Twitter is split on the new cover Cosmopolitan & # 39; Activism Issue & # 39; with Nomzamo Mbatha


Cosmopolitan South Africa recently revealed its August cover. Their "The Activism Issue" features the popular South African actress and presenter Nomzamo Mbatha as a star cover. While the majority of Mbatha's fans and colleagues were thrilled when they saw the cover, not everyone is happy.

Some tweeps are not satisfied with the art direction, while others, including the French poet I'm questioning about the kind of activism in which Mbatha was involved .

The criticism fell on Mbatha's radar, and she replied, in a tweet since deleted, to those who downplayed a dress that she wore at her graduation ceremony in April. University of Cape Town, while questioning his activism.

The dress featured portraits of his deceased relatives. Explaining the dress in April, the star said, "I wanted the pictures of my late sister, Carla, my older sister, Matu, my late father, Nicholas Nxumalo and the greatest love of my life, the woman who m & # 39 named Nomzamo, my late grandmother, MamJoli, the many tragedies that I had to survive. "

I hope that after reading the cover story, those who have doubts will get clarity or not.

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