Uganda: Museveni orders the army's snipers to keep the deputies


Andrew Bagala

President Museveni ordered the Ministry of Finance to immediately purchase escort vehicles for the 456 deputies while the military will provide them with "shooters". elite "to protect them from what he calls" terrorists ". [19659003IlaordonnéauministredesFinancesMatiaKasaijademettreimmédiatementdel'argentdecôtépouracquériruneflottedevéhiculesd'escortepourlesdéputésquiserarenforcéepardestireursd'élitedesForcesdedéfensepopulairesougandaises(UPDF)[19659003]. attack. I decided to protect the deputies while waiting for the implementation of these security measures. Members already have police guards. Those will stay with them. I will, however, add two elements; the army snipers and vans that will be used by them against small caliber bullets, "said Museveni in the letter to Mr. Kasaija

" I order you therefore to immediately acquire a fleet of pick-up driving wheels with open trolley beds. Provide extra money for these vehicles quickly. The army will use them to keep the deputies and when new systems are put in place, these vehicles will be handed over to the army officers as part of the UPDF fleet, "he said.
Mr. Museveni testified that you are wearing personal armor and helmets that are bulletproof and concluded by saying to Mr. Kasaija, "Act fast. I thank you and I expect speed.

His letter was sent to Vice President Edward Ssekandi, Defense Force Chief David Muhoozi, Defense Minister Adolf Mwesige and Secretary of the Treasury Keith Muhakanizi.

In his letter of June 20, Mr. Museveni said that crimes such as the killing of six Muslim sheikhs, the state prosecutor Joan Kagezi, kidnapping and l '. Susan Magara's badbadination and the badbadination of Deputy Inspector General Felix Kaweesi "were committed with possible police collusion."

In many murders, the attacked officials were seated with their bodyguards in the same car. This is perhaps the reason why the President has chosen a separate vehicle for bodyguards.

Lawmakers began ringing the alarm last year, after the adoption of the draft amendment to the Constitution that amended section 102 (b). The fear of the security of the deputies was reinforced when the deputy of the municipality of Arua, Ibrahim Abiriga, was shot dead in the suburbs of Kawanda in Wakiso on June 8, 2018.

His badbadination follows a series killings and high-profile killings that plunged the country into a deep turmoil, prompting Museveni to unveil a 12-security master plan that he presented as the miracle solution to the spiral of crime. When MPs met with Museveni on June 28 to discuss the growing insecurity in the country, they expressed skepticism about the counterterrorism police guards and asked for army escorts instead. .
Finance Ministry spokesman Jim Mugunga declined to comment on where the Treasury will get the money to implement Mr. Museveni's guidelines on MPs' security.


Some car dealers with whom we spoke say that on average, these vehicles cost $ 46,000 (about 173 million shillings), which implies that the government will have to pay 78 , 8 shillings. billion

M. Kasaija could not be reached for a comment as he did not catch our calls.
Butambala MP Muwanga Kivumbi, however, expressed concern about the implications that such a deployment of military guards around the parliament will create for the country.

"This type of security is bad for the economy and will ultimately affect investor confidence Imagine Parliament Avenue with 500 leading cars with snipers!" Which investor would like to invest in such a country "The security measures must not only address hardware problems, but also solve software problems.These measures will create a pandemonium in the country," said Kivumbi.

His counterpart of Igara West, Raphael Magyezi, was shown different and praised the military guards, saying that they would strengthen the security of the deputies. President to secure MPs and every Ugandan if that's what it takes because these wonderful cars we have are closed. And if you have soldiers sitting inside, it's a deadly trap. The point that the president makes as head of security to make sure that there is a pickup for deputies, soldiers sitting outside, they are able to respond whenever and wherever They see something, "he said. Mr. Chris Obore, Communications and Public Affairs Officer, did not respond to our calls


According to a recent Daily Monitor survey, in just seven years VIPPU is intended to protect persons legally authorized to close police protection, such as the Speaker of Parliament, Ministers, diplomats, judges, senior security officials and senior government officials

. Protection Group (PPG) which protects the Vice President, the Prime Minister, relatives of the First Family and persons close to the Presidency.

The PPG now protects people such as Ms. Jennifer Musisi, Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority, and Ms. Allen Kagina, Executive Director of the National Highway Authority of Uganda, Mr. Bryan White , a socialite of the city, and Mrs. Persis Namuganza, Minister of State for Land. The two main units represent more than 10% of the police force to ensure the security of a few privileged.

Police spokeswoman Emilian Kayima says many police officers are entitled to police guards because of their status.
The number of police officers who guard each head of institution, such as the Ugandan tax administration, the UNRA, the KCCA and the Chief Justice, ranges from 15 to 30.
Near 80 judicial officers are entitled to police protection. Disparities

It is almost the same police force deployed in the Arua Police Districts, Masaka and Hoima combined who have a total population of 5,000 and 600 police officers a day to insure their lives and their goods. 1.5 million people
About 10 years ago, the Commissioner General of Prisons, Governor of the Bank of Uganda, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Head of Kampala City Council (now KCCA), Director of Public Prosecutions, Minister But since the 2010 terrorist attacks in Kampala and a series of murders of government employees, security officials have received more police numbers at their expense. In 1965, Andrew Felix Kaweesi, then commander of the Kampala Metropolitan Police, even expanded the scope by attaching officers to the general duties supposed to protect the community in general from the business people

. General of Police, General Kale Kayihura, estimated that the number of officers illegally deployed to protect businessmen and famous in the Kampala Metropolitan Police was less than half that of the Territorial Command, which then numbered between 4,000 and 5,000 officers.
Lately, the police provide similar services to a section of the population that is not eligible, such as members of Parliament, certain political party leaders, religious leaders, artists, and others.

million. Kayima says that people in this category write to the PGI explaining why they should be receiving police guards
. For escort duties that do not exceed eight hours, the recipient pays 12,000 Shs.

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