UK poisoning victim's brother: The nerve agent was in a bottle of perfume


    UK poisoning the victim's brother: A nerve agent was in a bottle of perfume

LONDON – The Soviet neurotoxic agent that killed a woman and left three other seriously ill people was contained in a bottle of perfume, Charlie Rowley 's brother, 45, and his partner Dawn Sturgess, 44, were found unconscious on June 30 in the town of Amesbury in Wiltshire, south of London. England. Sturgess died on July 7 and Rowley remains in the hospital in a serious but stable condition. Matthew Rowley told the BBC in an interview published Sunday that his brother, who regained consciousness last week, said he took a bottle of perfume containing the chemical.

Last week, the London Metropolitan Police, who is investigating the incident, said they found the source of the nerve agent – a small bottle in Rowley's home. They would not confirm more details about the bottle.

To find out more: British police identify the source of the Russian nerve agent that killed a woman

More: Russia refuses to say anything. involvement in a new poisoning by a British nerve agent

The former Russian spy Sergei Skripal came out of the hospital after poisoning

Police are trying to determine how the bottle came home and if the poison came from the same group as Sergei Skripal, 66, former Russian spy. his daughter Yulia, 33, in the town of Salisbury – about 10 miles from Amesbury – on March 4th.

Britain accuses Russia for poisoning the Skrips and Sturgess and Rowley. Russia denies any involvement in one or the other incident.

Ewan Hope, Sturgess's son, asked President Donald Trump to raise his mother's case with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, at their summit in Helsinki on Monday

to get justice for my mother. I'm so angry at his killers, "Hope, 19, told The Sunday Mirror. He said it could take months before his funeral takes place.

"I hope the (British) government will know exactly who did this – I really want them to get what they deserve," he added.

British authorities believe that Sturgess and Rowley were not directly targeted. Sergei Skirpal was imprisoned in Russia for transmitting state secrets to Britain before being released in a spying exchange and settling in Salisbury.

The United Kingdom has invited independent chemical weapons experts to visit this week to independently confirm the suspected nerve agent in the case.

Police and health authorities warn residents of Salisbury and Amesbury unknown elements.

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