United States donates $ 5.1 billion to fight HIV / AIDS in Nigeria


The United States claims to have committed more than $ 5.1 billion to the fight against HIV / AIDS in Nigeria through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

]. Thursday in Abuja at the opening of a photo exhibition to commemorate the 15th anniversary of PEPFAR in Nigeria

"Since 2003, PEPFAR has transformed lives through access to services The Americans have maintained this commitment over the last 15 years.

"Today, our global commitments are $ 72.7 billion, fighting what has been described as the worst human scourge in history

"." He reiterated the commitment of the US government to collaborate with the federal government in the fight against HIV / AIDS. "By advancing together, we can control an epidemic for which there is no vaccine or cure We are closer than ever before

"The fight against HIV / AIDS is a joint campaign, we worked together in partnership and we will continue along this path in the future. "

" The effort we have made in the fight is a triumphant effort, it is worth saving life and efforts to save life in the last 15 years ", he said.

According to him, the US government has achieved encouraging results, reaching millions of Nigerians. He said that this includes pregnant women, to prevent HIV transmission to the next generation, community awareness raising for HIV awareness, and to provide care and support to orphaned or vulnerable children. AIDS and other children

He said that PEPFAR has helped provide diagnosis and treatment for TB to many HIV-positive individuals.

"Fifteen years ago, when PEPFAR was created, an HIV diagnosis was a phrase in many countries, and today death and despair have been overwhelmingly replaced by life and death.

"The US government through the FPEFAR has not only saved and improved millions of lives, but has also transformed the global response to HIV / AIDS. Health Minister Isaac Adewole described PEPFAR as a game changer that gave hope to the desperate plight of some people living with HIV / AIDS in the country.

Adewole congratulated the US government for its support and badistance. PEPFAR, which he said had brought relief to people living with the virus in the country.

"We want to thank the US government for depositing the money by PEPFAR to fight the scourge in the country.It is the victory of science on disease, on death. and the disease, it shows what the human being can do. "The director general of the health implementation program at the Ministry of Defense, Nurudeen Hussein, a brigadier general, said that PEPFAR had helped to reduce the prevalence of HIV / AIDS, he said that through PEPFAR, there has been an improvement in the infrastructure and upgrading of laboratories in the delivery of military health care.

This has also improved our health care. "The delivery service so that the health care program covers 85% of the civilians who were inside and around our barracks," said Hussein, director General of the National AIDS Agency (NAC A), Sani Aliyu, said that before the treatment of HIV victims by PEPFAR is very expensive, PEPFAR has changed the whole spectrum of HIV.

Aliyu said the program had brought hope and light to people living with the virus. years ago in this country what we have is darkness, people living with HIV could not see the light, if you have HIV it was basically a death sentence; PEPFAR has brought hope and light to this darkness, "he said.

According to him, PEPFAR embodies humanity, generosity and compbadion when it comes to dealing with sick people. "If you look at our statistics in the country, there is a graph showing that without the HIV program, we would have lost about 1.5 million Nigerians and at least more than five million infected Nigerians than we have now. 19659002] "The point of support for the HIV response in Nigeria is PEPFAR, which is attended by thousands of patients; they willingly do so as a country.

"They do it without us beseeching you, we are extremely grateful to you, what you have done, we can repay it," he said


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