[Updated] Absa and Samsung confirm that Samsung Pay will be in SA next week



Director: Product and Marketing at Samsung South Africa Justin Hume has confirmed that Samsung Pay would be available for some Absa customers next week.

"We have gone through a phase of what we call beta testing for the last two weeks with the banks, we now have Samsung Pay in operation and we have tested it in a closed environment. other things being equal, what we call an open beta test next week, "Hume told htxt.africa

. Absa will invite some customers to this open-beta and Hume adds that customers will also be able to apply via the Samsung website.

If that goes well, the company will probably launch Samsung Pay to the mbades at the end of August or early September.

Hume says that he is confident that the open beta test will be fine.

The original story follows below

It's been three years since Samsung launched its Samsung Pay contactless payment app, and now it's time to start. is finally

Absa revealed that not only Samsung Pay would come to SA, but that its customers would quickly access it.

"Absa, in badociation with Samsung South Africa, will soon be offering its customers access to Samsung Pay before the commercial launch of the service in South Africa.The partnership with Samsung Pay will give Absa customers even more choices on how they can make the payments, "said the bank according to a message received by TechCentral.

We contacted Absa who confirmed that the early access program

The bank says that advance access to Samsung Pay will be available to all Absa customers, even if you will need to use a Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9 +, Note8, S8, S8 +, S7, S7 Edge or A8, with support for the upcoming 2017 A5 and 2017 A7.

At the time of publication, Samsung has not officially responded to our request for comment. A source inside the company, who wishes to remain anonymous, confirmed that she was far behind Absa and Standard Bank and that the solution is in open beta with customers selected by invitation only.

Our source believes that the solution will be on the market in the next two months and that the implementation of Samsung Pay at this stage is deliberate to coincide with the new flagship devices that will be launched the month next.

Samsung Pay is something we have been waiting for since 2016 when Samsung launched the now famous Galaxy Note 7 with the promise that the payment application would come soon to South Africa.

We were also told at the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S9 earlier this year, the South Korean company was working closely with the banks to bring the application to South Africa and that the hand -d 's work finally seems to bear fruit.

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