Valve Unveils Best-Selling 2018 VR Games on Steam (Until Now) – Road to VR


Just in time for the end of Steam's summer sale, Valve released a list of the best-selling VR games of 2018.

Decomposed into a series of "Best of 2018" graphics, VR games were compared to each other in the "Top Vends VR Games", which are divided into several levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.

The list on Steam does not specifically show the exact ranking according to the sales in the level (reload the list and the games are mixed).

Last year, we used SteamSpy to get an idea of ​​the number of units sold and the revenue generated games. SteamSpy is unfortunately less accurate after his death at the beginning of the year, so we listed the games in alphabetical order to give up any badumption that these statistics are reliable enough to report them.

Take Note : Some games were packaged with the Vive at some point, and are featured in the Valve list below


  • Arizona Sunshine (2016) [19659008] Beat Saber (2018)
  • Budget Discounts (2018)
  • Fallout 4 VR (2017)
  • GORN (EA – 2017)
  • Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Pomegranates (EA – 2016) )
  • Simulator of works (2016)
  • Onward (EA – 2016)
  • Orbus VR (EA – 2017)
  • Pavlov (EA – 2017)
  • Superhot VR (2017)
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (2018)

Many of the games listed above are rehearsals of the latest Platinum level of the year, with the exception of Pavlov, Orbus VR, and new entries of 2018, which testifies to the power of really fun games. also a bit worrying considering so few games published this year have made the cut.


  • Audioshield (2016)
  • I'm waiting to die (2017)
  • Raw data (formerly EA – 2017) [19659008RicketMortyRick-virtuality(2017)
  • Sairento VR (formerly EA-2018)
  • Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope (2017)
  • Space Pirate Trainer (formerly EA – 2017)
  • Sprint Vector (2018)
  • Stand Out: VR Battle Royale (2017 )
  • The Principle of Talos VR (2017)
  • Tilt Brush (2016)
  • Virtual Desktop (2016)

Another close repetition of the list of last year, there has been a little brewing and only a new game to do it, Sprint Vector, a 2018 title.

Now for the Silver and Bronze level game series; all games 2018 apart The Magician's Tale, Hatsune Miku VR, Psychonauts: The Rhombus of Ruin, ARK Park and Apex Construct are early access titles, or were previously available in Early Access at some point – another clear indication that small, independent RV teams are doing most of the new VR games on the platform.


  • Box VR (EA – 2017)
  • DOOM VFR (2017) [19659008] Dead Effect 2 VR (2017)
  • Duck season (2017)
  • Fruit Ninja (2016) [19659008] In Death (EA – 2018)
  • League Knockout (formerly EA – 2018)
  • LA Noire (2017)
  • Moss (2018)
  • OVRdrop (2017)
  • Richie Experience & # 39; s Plank (2017)
  • Star Trek: Deck Crew (2017)
  • The Gallery: Episode 1 & 2 (combo pack)
  • The Magi's Tale (2018)
  • VTOL VR (EA – 2017 )


  • Cybernetic A-Tech (EA – 2017)
  • ARK Park (2018)
  • Aeon (2017)
  • Aerofly FS2 Flight Simulator (2017)
  • Airtone (2017)
  • Apex Construct (2018)
  • Archangel Hellfire (2017)
  • Batman Arkham VR (2017)
  • Battlezone Gold Edition (2017)
  • Bullets and More VR (formerly EA – 2018)
  • Climbey (EA – 2016)
  • Compound (EA – 2018)
  • Cyber ​​VR (EA – 2 018)
  • Fighting Drunkn (EA – 2016)
  • Flying Eagle (2016)
  • Eleven Table Tennis VR (2016)
  • Elven Assbadin (EA – 2016)
  • Eternal Warriors VR ( EA – 2017)
  • Gal * Gun VR (2017)
  • Gun Club VR (EA – 2017)
  • Hatsune Miku VR (2018) [19659008] Holopoint (2016)
  • IronWolf VR (EA -2017 )
  • Island 359 (formerly EA – 2018)
  • Just In Time Incorporated (2017)
  • Karnage Chronicles (EA – 2017)
  • Deadly Incursion (2017)
  • Master of Art VR (2017)
  • Excluding Ammunition (2016)
  • Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul (2017)
  • Primordian (EA -2018)
  • Project LUX (2018)
  • Psychonauts: The rhombus of the ruin (2018)
  • Quivr (2018)
  • Robinson: The Journey (2017)
  • SPARC (2017)
  • SURVIV3 (EA – 2018)
  • Serious Sam 3 VR (2017)
  • Skyworld (2017)
  • Sports Bar VR (2016)
  • Surgery Simulator (2016)
  • Tales of Glory (EA – 2017)
  • The Blu (2016)
  • The Brookhaven Experience (2016)
  • The VR Golf Club (2017)
  • The Wizards (formerly EA – 2018)
  • The Thrill of Struggle – VR Boxing (EA – 2016)
  • Up (2017)
  • Ultrawings (2017)
  • Undead Developmen t (EA – 2017)
  • VR Dungeon Knight (EA – 2017)
  • Vanishing Realms (EA – 2016)
  • Zomday (EA – 2017)

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In Search of the Latest Best VR Games of the Year Year on all platforms? Discover The winners of the Road to VR Year Game 2017.

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