Walking is not enough Exercise, bodybuilding too Key: Study


A new review by Public Health England warned that walking and aerobic exercises no longer cut it for optimal health and fitness. He suggested paying attention to bodybuilding and routines such as playing tennis, dancing and lifting weights. ( Pixabay )

Walking 10,000 steps a day may no longer be enough for fitness, revealed a new scientific journal in the UK.

Public Health England warned that while they are important for health and well-being, muscle and bone building and balance exercises remain largely neglected. According to the agency, the focus remains on walking and aerobic activities every day.

Beyond Walking

"[T] he needs us to do two sessions of strength and balance the exercise of a week was Cendrillon Louise Ansari of the Center for Aging Better, who co-wrote the magazine PHE.

Beneficial exercises include dancing, tennis and ball games, as well as resistance training, which uses weights or bands or its own weight bodily either to push or pull against for a workout session.Yoga, tai chi and cycling are also good for muscles, bones and balance.

The experts concluded that, unfortunately, one in three men and one in four women do enough exercise to stay healthy.

In 2011, four medical directors in the UK published guidelines that highlight three elements of the health care system. 39, exercise and activity tips.Only a few were followed including still popular walking, while bodybuilding and bone building exercises were ignored.

The case of staying muscular strong and active

PHE noted that people should know better than to neglect these exercises. In the elderly, for example, low muscle strength increased the risk of falls by 76%. Seniors who have had a fall are three times more likely to fall again.

Muscle and bone building exercises can help prevent falls, as well as mood, sleep, energy and the risk of premature death. They can also help those who are in difficult stages of life to pregnancy and to retirement.

Experts recommend that young people work hard to develop muscle and bone mbad, which will probably reach its maximum at the age of 30. , on the other hand, need exercise to slow down the natural decline badociated with age.

Older people can and still need to stay active. However, it is best to consult a doctor before starting a high impact routine like tennis, or if you are already sick with conditions such as osteoporosis.

Adults should have at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise week, with muscle training on at least two days a week to work the main muscles of the body. Both, according to Dr. Zoe Williams of PHE, work together for a range of health benefits for a lifetime.

"[I] It's never too late to start," advised Dr. Williams.

Not too rosy either in the United States because many Americans are not trying to get the ideal amount of exercise. New data from the CDC 's National Center for Health Statistics showed that only a quarter of American adults adhere to the guidelines in aerobic and bodybuilding exercises.

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