WATCH: A human rights group claims that Ethiopia tortures Somali ethnic groups in a secret prison


Suspected members of a separatist group in the Somali region of Ethiopia are tortured, raped and starved in a secret prison, Human Rights Watch reported on Thursday.

The New York-based watchdog requested an investigation by the Ethiopian government. Allegations about alleged members of the Separatist National Liberation Front of Ogaden (ONLF) at the Southeast Prison

Human rights groups often blame Ethiopian security forces abuse, especially against rebel groups. the Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian People (EPRDF).

Since taking office in April, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has sought to put an end to these insurrections and to combat rights violations. describing it as a form of "terrorism".

He also supported a law aimed at decriminalizing armed groups such as the ONLF.

The ONLF has slowed since Ethiopia launched a crackdown ten years ago after the rebels killed 77 people in a Chinese oil company in 2007.

The year last, Commander Abdikarim Muse was delivered to Ethiopia by Somalia. According to HRW, documented abuses occurred in a detention center known as "Ogaden Prison" between 2011 and this year, adding that most of the people brought to the facility have never been formally indicted.

commission to investigate the allegations and hold those responsible to account.

"The extent of torture and abuse in Ogaden Prison can not be overstated," said researcher Felix Horne. "Abiy should continue to publicly condemn torture and act on Ogaden Prison to show that he is serious to stop the torture and put an end to impunity."

Somalia is the second largest border of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia. the most volatile regions of the country.

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Intensive ethnic clashes, which began last year along the common border between Somalia and the neighboring region of Oromia, displaced more than one million people and killed hundreds of people. Be behind the worst abuses and incite ethnic fighting, with the approval of the regional government.

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