WATCH: The leopard takes the porcupine


When the going gets tough, tingling – the leopard against the porcupine is the iconic sighting everyone wants to see!

A leopard in Kruger National Park recently got more than what he had negotiated when he took himself for an African crested porcupine.

Ard van de Wetering had the opportunity to capture this observation at the cinema during his trip to the Kruger National. Park recently.

The video shows a leopard trying to shoot the porcupine, who resists and fights for his life.
Porcupine Dances and Maneuvers
around the leopard while he continually tries to find a weak point

The leopard, exhausted by the effort, eventually give up and the porcupine moves away unscathed.

It is not the first to show a porcupine defend itself from big cats. At the end of 2014, images of a porcupine defending 17 lions in the Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa made waves on the Internet.

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