WG Gugu Zulu race car driver to plant mountain trees


Durban – The wife of the last car racer Gugu Zulu will return to the mountain that killed her husband to "plant" souvenirs for his children.

Fitness enthusiast Letshego Zulu will join Trek4Mandela's team to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to raise funds for sanitary napkins for underprivileged schoolgirls.

The single mother will be joined by her mother and three-year-old daughter Lelethu in a trip to plant trees on the mountain slopes that killed her husband.

The Trees4Gugu campaign is to ensure the longevity of Gugu's legacy and for the trees to help save the fast-melting glaciers

. the 2016 expedition when he died of respiratory problems while trying to conquer the 5895m high mountain

The annual expedition is also in the honor of Nelson Mandela.

This will be Zulu's second visit to the mountain, having finished last year

She said that she was no longer in a dark place to deal with the loss from her husband, and that she had become more positive about life.

"I try to celebrate his life. I am no longer in mourning or sad. I choose to live my life by celebrating his life, and doing things in his memory to make memories for our daughter.

"Trees live for hundreds of years, and I can always return with my grandchildren to the future The trees were planted in the honor of their grandfather, he So it's more about leaving a legacy, "she said.

She joined the Kilimanjaro project by organizing a tree planting ceremony on Friday

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