WhatsApp now allows you to tag messages forwarded


CAPE TOWN – WhatsApp announced that it will tell you when someone sent you a message.

"WhatsApp is deeply concerned about your safety," the company said in a blog post. "We encourage you to think before sharing the messages that have been transferred."

The "transferred" label will apply to all text, image, audio and video messages sent to users.

This new tag feature was added with the social platform stopping the spread of misinformation and spam and to help users determine if a message was actually written by a contact.

The company said they were looking for help from researchers to solve the problem of false news.

The company offers a set of competitive prices to researchers interested in exploring issues related to misinformation on WhatsApp.

"The WhatsApp Research Awards will fund independent research proposals designed to be shared with WhatsApp and Facebook," says WhatsApp.


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