Why is David Dunn locked up with Elijah and Kevin?


  • – on [16 juillet 2018] 16 July 2018
  • in SR Originals

New teaser images for the upcoming film by Mr. Night Shyamalan Glbad recently abandoned The most fascinating have left the fans wondering: what does David Dunn of Bruce Willis have locked up in an insane asylum with Kevin Wendell Crumb of James McAvoy and Mr. Glbad of Samuel L. Jackson

Glbad is both a sequel to Shaymalan's successful movie 2017 Split and the conclusion to his trilogy of superheroes that began with Unbreakable in 2000 In Unbreakable, David Dunn, Philadelphia-based security guard and family man, survives a tragic train accident without a scratch. This has launched him into a journey of self-discovery where he learns that he has great strength, can not be hurt physically, and has the ability to feel bad in others. Dunn is educated in his abilities by Elijah Price, a cartoon aficionado who suffers an affliction in the face of Dunn's powers: his bones are so fragile, he can be easily hurt, hence his nickname " Mr. Glbad ". Dunn finally discovers that Elie is criminally mad, responsible for the train crash and many other terrorist acts in his quest to find David, his counterpart

Related: How Disney and Universal Partnered to Make an unbreakable sequel

The animosity between David and Elijah extends over nearly two decades, that is why the sight of the two incarcerated together is so shocking. Meanwhile, sitting between the unbreakable man and Mr. Glbad is the main character of Split Kevin Crumb, aka "The Horde", which has 24 divided personalities, including some criminals, including one incarnation monstrous nicknamed The Beast. Split is over with people in a restaurant watching reports of the Horde letting go of their city, including David Dunn. This amazing revelation not only linked Unbreakable and Split together as a shared universe, it also provided a quick update on the status of David Dunn and Mr. Glbad 17 years plus Late: Elijah is still locked in an asylum while David remains a blue-collar worker whose real abilities are not publicly known.

So how are all three of them incarcerated together – especially David, the only heroic of the group? David was obviously a free man at the end of Split – could he grow old and where was a weakness in his powers how he had been captured? Was it possible to hide his abilities all this time? If that is the case, David might choose to fight the Horde by drawing attention to himself that he was avoiding all the time. David's physical appearance indicates a time lapse since Split while David looks significantly older and grayer. Is it even weaker than it was when fans saw it at its peak?

The key to this mystery is the invisible fourth person in the photo, a psychologist (Sarah Paulson) who specializes in individuals believe that they are superheroes. As Shyamalan himself explained to EW people qualifying as superheroes or supervilain is "the modern equivalent of" I think I am Jesus "or" I am an emperor ". The People of the Universe Glbad seem to have rejected the notion of people with powers and those who believe that they are real life comic characters are locked up for psychological treatment.

his split personalities, including Glbad will introduce for the first time, are a joker, the prospect of resuming hostilities between David and Elijah is what the long-time fans of Unbreakable are excited. After all, Mr. Glbad is the title character this time. Even though he seems much older and even more helpless physically than before, there is no doubt that his evil spirit has a revenge plan for nearly two decades. If Glbad concludes that history began in Unbreakable no one guesses it, but David Dunn must ignore the fact that Mr. Glbad is still part of his life.

Next: Alternative Split Explained Terminals

Key Dates of Publication

  • Glbad (2019) Release Date: January 18, 2019


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