Why Kwara deserves a new governance


Last Wednesday, July 18 was Nelson Mandela's centennial birthday in honor of the first democratically elected president of South Africa. There is no better day for your comrade to formally convey the popular aspirations of my three million compatriots to Kwara for a new governance by declaring to run for president in 2019. [19659002HerebyImakeavailablemystatementofspeech:

"I am honored and humbled by your sacrifices to make reality a reality, and I am delighted and grateful that we are all here because we are concerned about development of Kwara, Nigeria and even Africa.We share the same hope and optimism.Today is seemingly uncertain, tomorrow (God willing!) can and will indeed be better Despite lack of money and monetary poverty, you have taken various means of transportation, including Okada and taxis on the famous roads / potteries of Ilorin to be here. children who have graduated without school, you have time to be here. Some of my clbadmates here are still unacceptable to receive salaries, but borrowed money you have managed to be counted here. Some are paid in percentages as low as 50 or 60 percent of wages. The Kwara state government seems to legitimize wage theft especially of employees of some local governments. Despite legitimate concerns about sick parents unable to pay with their pockets, you still have time to come. Many are called and many arrived in the shortest time. I salute your patriotism and your remarkable commitment to a better Kwara, a better Nigeria and a better Africa.

"Let us organize and stop agonizing to revive our dear state.

Our dear Kwara state was created on May 27, 1967 by the federal military government. Kwara, Rivers, Kano and Lagos are the first generation states. Last year, first-generation states celebrated their 50 years of existence. The first-generation states have celebrated Lagos at 50 with great fanfare and achievements. But Kwara at 50 was made almost unnoticed by rulers who paradoxically still celebrate their birthdays, their children's weddings like Sallah / Christmas! The administration headed by Governor Ahmed enumerated unity, peace and development as Kwara's achievements at 50 years. Other achievements include universities, industries, an emerging aviation center, advanced health facilities, modern recreational facilities and relatively good infrastructure. . The question though is that if so much had been achieved, why the discreet in consonance with the mood of the country? "Various contributions from commentators on the STATE OF THE STATE (KWARA), who preceded this statement, it is clear that unlike the official propaganda, Kwara urges the development and salvation of bad governance

"The election of the Governor of 2019 unique historical opportunity to recover our state. In the name of God, it is in this historical context that I propose to lead the electoral process to free Kwara from underdevelopment, mbad hunger and poverty as the fourth democratically elected governor of the country. 39, Kwara State.

"Today, I propose to lead my beloved Kwara State and Nigeria by altruism, spirit of state, compbadion, diversity management, Equality, inclusivity, sense of justice and fairness that the Federal Constitution of Nigeria eloquently adopts, aims and guiding principles of the State dealing with equity and Article 14b of the Constitution states that the primary purpose of government is the safety and welfare of citizens.Our first task is to secure the state of Kwara against predators. who, through endless states, have created and balkanized our state.Our first task is to recover Kwara from extinction.

"According to population projections in the 1980s, the Kwara state averaged 4.8 million people in an area of ​​about 73,000 square kilometers (making it the largest 5th state of the Federation on August 26, 1991).

"Since 1967, the state of Kwara has significantly reduced its size as a result of other serial state-building exercises in Nigeria.Where are Kwara leaders? Kwara 's population was 2.37 million, or half of what it was in the 1980s according to the 2006 census.

"This population is about 1, 69% of the nation's total population, ranked 30th in the league of states compared to its 5th position, currently 36,825 km long, compared to 73,000 sq. Km.

We offer Kwara a a new, responsible leadership that will foster regional and national integration, and oppose incessant unrest to states as a place of loot for some leaders, God willing we will provide leadership to save Kwara and revive the old network of fraternity, fraternity and friendship q Kwara maintained relations with the states of Kogi, Ekiti, Niger and Osun through political and economic integration.

"I was a shop steward at the 2014 national conference. In spite of the intense efforts of Professor Ibrahim Agboola Gambari, Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General and Co-Chair of the 2014 Confab and myself. Governor Ahmed Fatai was able to produce a single document on the position of the Kwara State in the Federation, precisely because of the lack of leadership, our great state was almost divided by Under our leadership, Kwara would claim his identity as a gateway to the geographic North and to the geographical South.The state of Kwara must resume its strategic and as the milestone of a United Indivisible and Compbadionate and Strong united Federal Republic of Nigeria

"We will offer a positive vote to millions of Kwarans in the Federation, a voice that has been denied and repressed at the present time. The other three initial states, Rivers, Kano and Lagos, are among the top 10 high-GDP countries. Kwara ranks 28th on state rankings by GDP beaten by the most recent states like, Imo, Edo and Oyo. Under our governance, Kwara will return to the path of productivity through reindustrialization and decent mbad jobs. At its inception, Kwara was the most dynamic state with a bold development plan through the first development plan of the Kwara State (1970 – 74/75) in May 1970 (in the context the second Kwara National Development Plan). "The plans laid a solid foundation for accelerated economic growth, increased productivity in agriculture, a favorable climate for industrial development and improved quality of life for the population through the provision of the necessary infrastructure. development planning Most industries closed with the loss of thousands of direct jobs

"The state of Kwara under dynamic leadership must be ambitious in the construction of the state." [19659008]

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