Will a Microsoft branded Android smartphone be available soon?


Even though the surface phone has apparently been put on hold until the end of next year, that does not mean that the guys from Redmond will not have a brand new phone to sell this year. According to a report released today, a Microsoft Store representative said during a discussion that the software giant is working on a new Android phone. And even if we just want to call it "false news" and move on, we can not do it for one reason; A Microsoft brand Android phone really makes sense.
In fact, in the years Windows Phone was alive, Microsoft was making a lot more money on Android device sales because of its vast intellectual properties related to the platform. . In addition, the company offers a selection of apps for iOS and Android users, most of which offer purchases via the app. So a Microsoft branded Android phone can not be rejected by hand
However, while it is possible that the representative heard something, they are often the last to know the new products . And representatives who work inside a carrier brand retail store are usually so focused on the material commissions available in the store, that they do not care about new handsets, tablets and wearables in the wireless service provider's pipeline.

Even though a Microsoft branded Android phone is possible, and logical, apart from the word of a Microsoft Store representative, there are no other clues or clues (even gurus supply chain who are accustomed to unusual activity) that such a device arrives. So, for the moment, we suggest you take this report with a grain of salt.

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