Will Smith reveals why he and Jada do not say that they are married


Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith never divorce.

In a recent interview on TIDAL's Rap Radar podcast the 49-year-old rapper revealed that he and his wife started using an even more moving word than "married" when talking about their relationship . : "The partners of life."

"We do not even say that we are married anymore.We see ourselves as life partners, where you enter this space where you realize that you are literally with someone for the rest of your life" Smith said on the podcast. "There is no break in the deal. There is nothing she can do – never. Nothing that would break our relationship. She has my support until death and I feel so good to go into this space.

Pinkett Smith recently echoed her husband's feelings during an interview on the radio Sway in the Morning . about Will and I – [we] are family, it never goes down, it's just not …, "said the 46-year-old man. We are family. Take away all that marriage / relationship shit, at the end of the day, Will and I are family. I'll hold him back, whatever. "

The actress continued:" This whole relationship and what people think of the ideas of a husband, partner and all that, man, does not matter. At the end of the day, it's a man who can count on me for the rest of his life, period.

The comments from both partners came after Smith had raised rumors of divorce with a glimpse of a new song, "In The Clique," in May.

"Stop the rumors of divorce and pay attention to your damn business," he rapped on the track, his first taste of new music – except for one, "Get Lit," in 2017 – from his album. 2005, Lost and Found .

According to Smith, more new music is coming soon.

"I just started writing again, just trying" I burn again creatively, and I have shots that I've never had before. "

L & # 39; former Fresh Prince of Bel Air star – who joined Instagram last year and says that he "appreciates the social demand for authenticity" – can not wait for fans hear what he has to say.

"I'm in the studio now and I have real things to say," said Smith. "It's the thing that will be new and different and interesting to about the music I'm going to create. "

See more about the couple in the video below.

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