Woman sucked into the ocean by a shark after attempting to feed him by hand


If you ever wanted to feed a shark in your hand, this video can warn you.

Melissa Brunning was on a "once in a lifetime" trip when she was dragged under water by a shark after attempting to feed it by hand.

To make matters worse, the bay in which she was sailing on a friend's superyacht was also infested with crocodile.

Terrifying images of the encounter show Melissa leaning over to give the quiet nurse Tawny some shark food, just so that she grabbed her finger with the food.

She is sucked into the water and later admits that she thought seven puppies stuck in hot tar after giving birth near the construction site

Melissa, of Perth, Australia , was sailing with friends for two weeks of vacation in the secluded bay of Dugong Bay in Western Australia, when their

She was the last of her friends to try to feed the sharks, but did not realize that she did not should not try to feed it by hand, but rather drop food in the water nearby. It quickly became obvious why.

Melissa says to Perth Now the mouth of the shark was "like a Hoover" and his whole index was swallowed by the razor's sharp teeth.

Melissa Brunning says that the incident did not spoil her trip "once in a lifetime"

"I think the shark was as shocked as I am", did -she says.

"The only way to describe it"

 An 11-year-old artist will make you feel uncomfortable with amazing drawings The boy becomes a professional artist at the age of 8 years old (still feeling insufficient?) [19659008] The 34-year-old added: "I came and I was like" I lost my finger, my finger left ". & # 39;

X-rays later revealed his severely infected finger had a broken and torn ligament

Melissa says she was "lucky" and wants people to know that the bite incident of shark was "completely my fault"

"This is not at all the fault of the shark, but it could have been much worse," she said.

Melissa is caught in the water (Picture: 7 News)

& # 39; I am not a shark victim. I have a lot of respect for sharks, I think they are incredible.

'I have always had the impression that when you are in the water, they are at the top of the food chain, that' s their area.

"We are not made to be in the water, if we had gills."

She still takes antibiotics after undergoing surgery to repair her broken finger and says that she learned to "respect the marine life and look at it in admiration, but leave them alone.

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