WS Int'l Cultural Exchange Project marks the 84th anniversary of Soyinka


Professor Wole Soyinka

The 9th edition of the International Cultural Exchange Project Wole Soyinka (WSICE) will be held from July 12 to 15 in Abeokuta, in the state of Ogun. This event that was announced by producers of Open Door Series ProjectWS is one of the cultural traditions celebrating the anniversary of the Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka.

This year's theme: "The pursuit of the truth" in our country (the truth and the national psyche) "According to the executive producer, WSICE, the theme is inspired by the Nobel Prize winner's concern for the consequences devastating lies in our national psyche that spreads to global discourses, especially the invention of the term "false news."

The annual program will include the annual essay contest with 84 students writing essays three of Wole Soyinka's poems in a reality-based format at the 1,000-seat amphitheater located in the premises of Ijegba Autonomous Residence (ARI) of Soyinka in the Ibara Forest Subdivision, Abeokuta.The selected poems will be revealed to participants in a few minutes before the beginning of the essay writing exercise

Meanwhile, examples of entries were collected in secondary schools res for the essay competition. Of these, 84 students with the highest grades were invited to the final competition on July 13th at the Ijegba Amphitheater with 1000 other students present.

The governor of the state of Ogun, Senator Ibikunle Amosun will visit the participants day when the results will be announced. Participants will meet the Nobel laureate and enjoy a mentorship session that will be one of the highlights of the event.
The program will also attract participants from Southern Illinois University, USA, who will participate in a weeklong tour. The WSICE was initiated in 2010 by the management of ZMirage Multimedia Company, led by technical theater representative and businessman, Alhaji Teju Kareem and the American company Global New Haven, led by the director of theater and researcher in culture, Professor Segun Ojewuyi

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