Your decisions will create a more responsive world in Dying Light 2


The choices in video games are rarely paid. The consequences attached to going against the grain usually feel dull and insubstantial. Where is the gain? I do not want a character who looks a little more demonic than usual, I want the reflection of the compromises I've made is reflected in the short term gains for which I went.

Light 2 developer Techland is deepening his next suite of undead parkour as they mix a story of choice with gameplay that complements the decisions you've made. While the Techland team is filled with many writers to help flesh out the story, the name of Chris Avellone could be the biggest of the group.

The writer who has made his name known in games such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity, Avellone is a heavy talent whose main goal in Dying Light 2 is to create more than a plausible causality. "Having a responsive world is really important for what we want to accomplish." "Ours is a game where decisions are made by actions, not just by the option you choose on a dialogue tree," he said. Avellone at VG247


Do you remember the Peacekeeper who occupied the water tower in our E3 demo? You could have pushed it out of the tower and it would have consequences.

The big is to learn that you should not channel the player – they are there to explore the space; leave them alone, do not chained them. It can be difficult to tell an open world story if you do not take into account what the player brings to the equation and allow him to badume an equal role in the events that unfold and even better, causing events that lead to history

It's easy to imagine a story that goes from A to B to C with a series of events, but in an open-world game you must put the player agency and its ability to affect the world in the foreground. So, for example, rather than A to B to C, you step back, suppose the player starts at "A", and then you can do all kinds of events to bring & # 39; B & # 39; to come through the actions that they make the world open – or, a number of different B's, not just one. Or even better, the player creates the & # 39; B & # 39; all alone, and the whole world responds to it.

When a player can literally see himself as an agent of change, it gives him even more power.

All of this helps to create a game where players realize that good or bad choices will have to be made. Choices with which they will have to live in the new feudal state that appeared in Dying Light 2. After all, morality can only take you so far when you have to face hordes of undead who are hounding you. In this brave new world, you need to pay attention to number one as soon as you get the chance

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Last updated: July 4, 2018

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