YouTube's Adaptive Player for Square and Vertical Video Comes to the World Wide Web / Digital Information


The vertical format of videos on mobile phone applications has recently become a very popular choice for viewing online videos and now YouTube recognizes it and incorporates it into its PC formats. The company has rolled out a new update regarding its video player that includes support for a number of aspect ratios.

For vertical video clips, the site will remove these huge and boring sidebars and replace them with a full-screen video playback. You will, however, be invited to watch a video intended for the mobile phone on your PC, but the experience will be less tedious than on a widescreen format.

See also: Google is officially broadcasting Dark Mode on YouTube for Android Users

This update includes the changes applicable to normal 16: 9 videos, using excess empty space when enlarging the image. The Theater Mode button may not look as appealing to you as in the past.

This will not help your cause if you hate vertical videos and want a big-screen cut. YouTube went against all odds baduming that all clips were 16: 9, however. If this did not support the different formats on different platforms, it could jeopardize the position of its creators and users accustomed to Instagram and Snapchat.

 YouTube Web Player Suits Vertical Videos
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