Zimbabwe police confirm two arrests over Mnangagwa rally blast


Zimbabwean police confirm two arrests over Mnangagwa rally blast

Mnangagwa, who replaced veteran leader Robert Mugabe in a bloodless coup in November, said he suspected dissidents from his own party were behind what he called an badbadination attempt.

A paramedic is waiting to an injured Zanu-PF to support an ambulance on the way to Mpilo Hospital on June 23, 2018 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, after a bomb blast at a campaign rally at White City stadium. Picture: AFP.

HARARE – Zimbabwean police arrested two suspects over a grenade blast that killed two people and injured 47 others at a campaign rally President Emmerson Mnangagwa last month, local newspapers reported on Wednesday.

Mnangagwa, who Robert Mugabe in a bloodless coup in November, he said he was suspected of being murdered in the southeastern city of Bulawayo.

Police had picked up two suspects and were looking for others , Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga said, "We continue to appeal to the state-owned" reportedly told officers in Bulawayo.

The privately-owned NewsDay newspaper

Mnangagwa told the BBC last month he believed the party had been killed by the G40 group – a faction in the ruling party Zanu-PF party Grace

He did not accuse Grace Mugabe of any involvement in the attack

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