Zimbabwe: State Security placed under close surveillance after threats to close MDC – Minister


ZIMBABWE's security organs were put on standby following the opposition's threats to stop next Monday's elections if the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission did not obey their requests.

Obert Mpofu On Monday, the government put all the security institutions on red alert

This comes after the MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa repeatedly threatened to "close the country" if his reform demands pre-election elections were not satisfied. The Government of Zimbabwe is doing everything in its power to ensure that every citizen exercises his right to vote.

"So we put all the security devices in a state of alert and those who seek to cause the disorder are prevented the law will be applied without fear or favor," said Mpofu.

The minister said that, if the government appreciated the peace that prevailed before the elections, he was worried about threats to him. "As a government, we are deeply concerned by the threats of violence, intimidation and use of hate speech that have been reinforced by some political parties who have openly declared that they would have closed Zimbabwe and Chamisa threatened to organize security guards in the main offices of the ZEC in Harare to demand a more transparent electoral process, particularly with regard to access to electoral lists, as well as the clarity of the election.

Mpofu said that the government would not tolerate "lawlessness."

"The government has the duty to maintain the law and the law. order and to ensure peace and security. Every political party, group or individual should share the same space, while exercising its constitutional right which should be balanced with the maintenance of public order in the country, "said the Minister of the Interior [19659008ThreatsandintimidationagainstthepresidentoftheZECJudgePriscillaChigumbaamongotherbadistthreatsonwomen'ssocialnetworksinparticular

Chigumba was attacked by the opposition for having favored Zanu PF in the way she prepared the elections, says having bad with a government minister

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