After black fungus, ‘bone death’ reported in 3 patients in Mumbai, doctors fear more cases


Three confirmed cases of avascular necrosis or bone tissue death after Covid-19 have been scientifically reported in Mumbai. AVN could be the next debilitating condition in post-Covid patients after the mucormycosis or black fungus outbreak two months ago. Doctors fear that more cases of AVN are likely in the coming months.

According to a report in India time, Hinduja Hospital, Mahim, treated the three young (under 40) patients who developed necrosis two months after being treated for Covid. “These patients developed pain in the femur bone (the highest part of the thigh bone) and, since they were doctors, they recognized the symptoms and rushed for treatment,” he said. said Dr Sanjay Agarwala, medical director of Hinduja Hospital, Mahim, was quoted by the newspaper.

The common factor between AVN and mucormycosis is steroid use, the only drug proven to help Covid-19 patients. Dr. Agarwala’s research paper, “Avascular Necrosis in the Context of Long Covid-19”, was published Saturday in the prestigious medical journal “BMJ Case Studies”. He said “the large-scale use of life-saving corticosteroids” in cases of Covid-19 would lead to a “resurgence of AVN cases”.

Meanwhile, of the 264 patients with mucormycosis at the government hospital in Coimbatore, 30 have lost vision in one eye, a senior hospital official said on Sunday. All of those admitted had undergone endoscopy and 110 had undergone visualization surgery, hospital dean Dr N Nirmala said in a statement. But 30 patients with severe infection had lost their sight in one eye, she said, adding that those who came at an early stage were totally cured of the disease.

In addition, the government has allocated an additional 2,540 vials of amphotericin-B to states, Union Territories (UTs) and central institutions, Union Minister Sadananda Gowda said recently. Amphotericin-B is used to treat black fungi, which damage the nose, eyes, sinuses, and sometimes even the brain.

“An additional 2,540 ampoules of #LiposomalAmphotericinB have been allocated to all states / UTs and central institutions today. So far around 10 lakh vials have been allocated across the country, ”Gowda tweeted. Indian doctors are documenting an alarming number of cases of mucormycosis in patients with Covid-19 and those who have recently recovered.

They believe mucormycosis can be triggered by the use of steroids, a life-saving treatment for severe and critically ill Covid-19 patients.

(With PTI entries)

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