Agent Coulson (and Clark Gregg) officially joins the MCU in What If …?


A new production brief for Marvel’s What If …? confirms that actor Clark Gregg will return to voice Agent Coulson in the upcoming animated series.

Agent Coulson returns to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, says new production brief for Marvel Studios’ What if…?

The brief reveals the full cast of over 50 returning MCU actors who will be lending their voices to the characters in the animated series. As the cast list features the additions of Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Rudd, and Don Cheadle, the biggest surprise may be the confirmation that Clark Gregg will be returning to voice a variation on fan-favorite SHIELD agent Phil Coulson.

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The upcoming animated series will explore the different realities of the all-new Marvel Multiverse. The series is set to feature Captain Carter, Doctor Strange Supreme, Zombie Hunter Spider-Man, and Star-Lord of T’Challa – and that’s just what has been announced so far. The Multiverse allows Marvel to offer alternate versions of characters from other universes, which means it’s unclear which version of Coulson will appear in the series.

Clark Gregg appeared as Agent Phil Coulson throughout the MCU’s first phase. The character debuted in Iron Man and continued to appear in Iron man 2 and Thor, before appearing in the years 2012 The Avengers, where he was killed by Loki. Gregg then joined the cast of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, where he reprized his role as the resurrected Coulson for seven seasons. However, the ABC TV series is not technically considered canon for MCU movies. Despite this, Gregg returned to play a young agent Coulson again in the ’90s. Captain marvel.

Marvel studios What if…? is scheduled to premiere Aug. 11 on Disney +, with new episodes released on Wednesday.

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Source: Wonder


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