AI-powered ‘electronic nose’ can sniff rotten meat


Scientists at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University have developed an AI-powered “electronic nose” that accurately assesses the freshness of meat.

The system uses a barcode inserted into the food packaging that changes color when it detects gases emitted by rotting meat. A smartphone app then scans the barcode pattern to measure the freshness of the meat in 30 seconds.

In testing samples of commercially packaged chicken, beef and fish left to age, the system predicted the freshness of meats with an accuracy of 98.5%.

Co-lead author Professor Chen Xiaodong said the app could help consumers decide whether meat is cleaner to eat than a “best before” label:

These barcodes help consumers save money by ensuring that products that are still safe to eat are not thrown away, which also helps protect the environment. The biodegradable and non-toxic nature of barcodes also means that they could be applied safely in all parts of the food supply chain to ensure food freshness.

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Researchers say their system mimics the mammalian nose method of detecting rotting meat by detecting its gases.

In the electronic nose, each bar of the bar codes contains a dye that changes color in response to different types and concentrations of gas. These reactions create a color combination that provides a “scent fingerprint” for the condition of the meat as it breaks down.

Deep convolutional neural networks formed on barcode images then analyze the patterns to predict the freshness of the meat.

In tests, the algorithm achieved 100% accuracy in detecting spoiled meats and 96-99% accuracy in identifying fresh and less fresh meats.

The researchers have now filed a patent for their method and are working with a food company in Singapore to apply it to other types of food.

You can read a research article on the system in the journal Advanced materials.

Published November 10, 2020 – 14:25 UTC


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