Air Force says it will test bizarre ‘hypersonic’ weapon this month


At some point in the next few weeks, a B-52H bomber will carry a missile high into the air and launch it at unprecedented speed towards its target, according to the U.S. Air Force. If all goes according to plan, this missile will accelerate to more than five times the speed of sound before deploying a dummy second stage that will quickly “disintegrate” somewhere in the atmosphere.

The missile, known as the AGM-183A, is said to be the first hypersonic weapon – or air-launched rapid reaction (ARRW) weapon – in the U.S. arsenal. It should move so quickly through the atmosphere – about 20 times the speed of sound – at altitudes so low that it is impossible for enemy missile defense systems to fire out of the air. And its speed means it can be useful for destroying “high-value, time-sensitive targets,” according to the Air Force. said in a press release.


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