Alabama newspaper publisher asks KKK Lynchings to "clean up his center", compares the group to NAACP in an editorial


An Alabama newspaper editor has called the hoods and white robes of his state's past to revive the thinking of current lawmakers in Washington, DC.

Although its scale is not very large, the publisher of Linden, Alabama, Democratic journalist wrote a recent editorial that began with "The time has come for the Ku Klux Klan to take a new night walk".

Democratic journalist the publisher Goodloe Sutton said at the Mongomery Advertiser that he wrote these words to raise his base and shake Washington, to try to give the new "socialists" Democrats a better understanding of how taxes and expenditures work.

"If we could get the Klan out there to clean downtown, we'd all have been better off," Sutton said. Advertiser.

Moreover, when L & # 39; advertiser When questioning more about the play and its intentions, Sutton doubled his position, saying the KKK had "killed only a few people" and that he did not consider them a violent group. He compared them more to the NAACP.

"A violent organization?" Asked Sutton. "Well, they killed only a few people. The Klan was not violent until they needed it.

Sutton has been working in the newspaper since 1964 – the same year as the landmark Civil Rights Act, which puts an end to segregation in public places and prohibits discrimination in employment. He then inherited his father's diary, the Advertiser reported.

The editorial team was first put online by the newspaper's editors Plains of Auburn Monday. Chip Brownlee, the PlainsmenThe editor of the Sutton editorial called the Sutton editorial "a return of national terrorism – whatever its form."

"As a newspaper editor, it's disturbing to see this type of editorial printed," Brownlee said in an article. Advertiser. "Of course, I'm the editor of a student newspaper, but all newspapers must adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards, editorials must focus on new ideas, constructive criticism and fact-based opinions. Terrorism – whatever its form – is counterproductive and false It is important to welcome and encourage divergent opinions, but violence is never right.

The Alabama Press Association did not say whether the Linden Democratic journalist was a member, but Felicia Mason, Executive Director of APA, told the Advertiser"We do not share this view.But the APA is not a police agency.We simply have no authority over what our member newspapers publish."


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