Alaska will be the first in the United States to offer COVID-19 vaccines to all adults


a vial of covid-19 vaccine
A vial of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine at the Community Immunization Clinic held at the Manai Fou Assembly of God Church in Airport Heights on February 23, 2021. (Jeff Chen / Alaska Public Media)

Alaska will become the first state in the country to open up COVID-19 vaccination to anyone 16 years of age and older, officials said on Tuesday, ending a rapid vaccine rollout that capitalizes on tens of thousands of doses additional shipped and administered by tribal health care providers. .

Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced the expanded eligibility in a statement prepared Tuesday afternoon, with a press conference scheduled for later that evening. It’s effective immediately, officials said. Anyone who lives or works in Alaska is eligible.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the response from Alaska,” Dunleavy said in the release. “From being the first state to offer widespread testing, to maintaining one of the lowest death rates in the country, to rolling out vaccines for all willing Alaskans, we’ve made it here.” by working together. ”

Watch the governor’s press conference

In the previous days, health officials had hinted that they could take such a step, suggesting that reluctance to immunize and confusion over previously expanded eligibility guidelines were leaving appointments unfilled. statewide.

About a quarter of Alaskans have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, giving the state one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. In many rural communities, vaccination rates are well over 50%, with some villages reaching 90% or more.

The Alaska state-sponsored distribution effort saw a major boost from its tribal healthcare partners, who were awarded separate vaccine shipments through a unique partnership with the federal government – aimed at recognizing the sovereign status of the two tribes and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Alaska Natives.

RELATED: With Many Vaccine Meetings In Alaska, Officials Want You To Know: You Could Be ‘Essential’

A national media series featured the successes of parallel vaccination efforts, which took advantage of bush planes, snowmobiles and boats to deliver doses to remote communities in Alaska in the depths of winter.

RELATED: In rural Alaska, COVID-19 vaccines travel by air, sled and water taxi

Until last week, the state limited vaccinations to healthcare workers, teachers and people aged 50 and over who held certain essential front-line positions or suffered from certain pre-existing health conditions.

But last week, supported by a significant increase in the number of vaccines shipped to the state, officials announced that vaccinations would open up to a much larger group: all essential workers, anyone 55 and over and anyone with a health problem that could put them at high risk for serious illness from COVID-19.

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Even after that announcement, however, hundreds of appointments remained vacant in Anchorage and elsewhere in the state.

Now, appointments will be open to anyone 16 years of age and older, although 16 and 17 year olds are only eligible for the vaccine made by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, as the other two vaccines on the market are only allowed for people 18 years of age and over.

You can find more information about vaccine eligibility and schedule appointments on the state’s vaccine website.

This is breaking news – check back for updates.


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