Albuquerque could be in the bad mosquito season


"We expect this year to be particularly bad," said Mark DiMenna, deputy director of the Albuquerque Environmental Health Department.

DiMenna said that the greenest Bosque is more attractive to mosquitoes.

"Seeing this stagnant water, it's nice and shallow, it's going to be nice and warm, no predator will really have access to it – it's a perfect place if I'm a mosquito mum looking for a place to to lay, "said DiMenna.

In addition to being boring and leaving behind itchy bite marks, Mr. DiMenna said the mosquitoes posed a health threat.

"Because the mosquitoes are there, the West Nile virus is still present," DiMenna said.

The best way to avoid getting sick is to avoid being stung.

According to DiMenna, city teams are spraying and targeting mosquito breeding grounds.


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