Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blows up Nancy Mace after Capitol Riot Spat fundraising appeal


Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit back at Republican Rep. Nancy Mace on Saturday – after learning the latter had started a fundraiser linked to a disagreement the two had over their experiences during the Jan.6 riot in Capitol.

“Pretty horrible,” the New York MP tweeted on Saturday, while sharing screenshots – previously posted by CNN reporter Daniel Dale – of Mace’s fundraising plea that challenges Ocasio-Cortez’s account on the attack.

“Well, it’s good to know what kind of person she is early on. It’s also good to know that Mace is cut from the same fabric of Trump’s dishonesty and opportunism. Sad to see a coworker intentionally hurting other women. and survivors to earn money. Thought she would be better, “Ocasio-Cortez added.

Quite awful.

Well, it’s good to know what kind of person she is early on. It’s also good to know that Mace is cut from the same fabric of Trump’s dishonesty and opportunism.

Sad to see a colleague intentionally hurting other women and survivors to earn money. I thought she would be better.

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 6, 2021

The dispute between the two congressional women began after Ocasio-Cortez detailed the events of the riot from his perspective in a widely watched Instagram livestream on Monday.

During her account, Ocasio-Cortez told her supporters that she was afraid for her life and was forced to take refuge in her bathroom when a stranger entered her office, who turned around. later turned out to be a Capitol Police officer.

Mace, a representative from South Carolina, quickly took issue with Ocasio-Cortez’s story. “My office is two doors away. The insurgents have never stormed our hallway,” Mace tweeted Wednesday.

After facing backlash from Ocasio-Cortez, who accused Mace of ignoring her fear and attacking her for “Fox News Clicks,” Mace fought back again.

“We were ALL terrified that day. I assert that the insurgents were never in our hallway … because they weren’t. I’m dealing with the facts. Unlike you apparently,” he said. she tweeted.

Ocasio-Cortez’s message to Mace on Saturday that she “intentionally harmed other women and survivors” comes after the congresswoman revealed she was a sexual assault survivor on Monday.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) blasted Republican Rep. Nancy Mace on Saturday over an ongoing dispute between the two lawmakers. Here, AOC heads to House Floor on Capitol Hill on February 4, 2021, in Washington, DC.
Brendan Smialowski / Getty

In statements earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez accused the Republican MP of ignoring her story and using damaging rhetoric that prevents survivors of assault or trauma from coming forward.

“How many survivors are watching her? Who now seeing her will not receive care or will feel more shame or silence? Who will not speak out because they know there are voices within the leaders willing to downplay their experiences? ” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

But Mace dismissed the accusation and criticized Ocasio-Cortez for making the disagreement “political.” In 2019, Mace herself revealed that she was raped when she was 16.

The screenshots Ocasio-Cortez shared on Mace’s fundraising post on Saturday chronicle the Republican lawmaker’s accusations and say Ocasio-Cortez wants to “divide Americans further.”

“AOC does not want to find common ground. It wants to further divide the Americans.”

“That’s exactly what she did with her controversial comments on the Capitol Riot. And that’s what she continues to do by suing me for pointing out the simple truth that there is never had only one rioter in our hallway, “according to the post.

“Today I want you to join me and the many people across our country who are saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH to the latest AOC theater productions. Would you like to join in today to help me make it happen. spread the word, ”he added.

Newsweek contacted Ocasio-Cortez and Mace’s offices for further comment, but did not receive a response in time for the post.


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