Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams an announcement broadcast during the democratic debate


"Republicans are broadcasting TV commercials firing photos of me to convince people that they are not racist," the New York Democrat tweeted. "Life is weird!"

The 30-second commercial, broadcast on Thursday during the National Democratic Debate on ABC, is the first public demonstration of the New Faces GOP PAC, led by former congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng.

It begins with an image of Ocasio-Cortez, which Heng calls "the face of socialism and ignorance". The face of Ocasio-Cortez is then consumed to reveal images of skulls.

Heng, a Cambodian American presented as a burgeoning young Republican star during her unsuccessful attempt to occupy a seat at the US House in California last year, tells of her family's flight from socialism in Cambodia within 30 seconds .

"Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the horror of socialism?" Heng asks.

"Mine is the face of freedom," Heng told the camera during the final seconds of advertising. "My skin is not white, I'm not scandalous, racist or socialist, I'm republican."

In a press release posting the announcement, PAC organizers say the mission is twofold: to broaden the image of the GOP and "lead the fight against socialism".

The group, which officially launched in March, said it raised just over $ 170,000 until the end of June, largely thanks to California-based donors, the Federal Election Commission says.

Ocasio-Cortez is one of the most prominent freshmen in the House and a quarter of a quartet of lawmakers, known as "The Squad," who publicly clashed with the president. Donald Trump.

As he prepares for his reelection campaign, Trump has sought to tightly bind the Capitol Hill Democrats and those who run for president to socialism and lawmakers like Ocasio-Cortez.


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