Aliens ‘set to land on earth tomorrow’ says so-called time traveler


Aliens are expected to land on planet Earth tomorrow in the first stage of a so-called intergalactic war, says a “time traveler from 2714”.

An individual on TikTok claims to be from the future, and they say they know for a fact that aliens will land on earth during the Perseid meteor shower.

Aesthetictimewarper’s TikTok account said that on August 11, aliens would set foot on earth as the planet passed through the densest part of the Perseids, reports The Mirror.

The anonymous time traveler behind the tale insists they are from the year 2714 and has said that “something incredible” will happen tomorrow – but it will ultimately lead to a war that will begin in 2025.

In the clip, they write: “Yes, I am a real time traveler in the year 2714. Something incredible is happening on August 11, 2021.

“There will be a very large meteor shower that will last for two weeks, it will be seen in the northern hemisphere, containing the Nozic message.

“One of the meteors will look different from all the others, that’s because it’s a ship landing on Earth, starting preparations for the First Noz War.”

The TikTok-er claimed in another article that this mysterious war will begin in 2025.

In other articles, the TikTok-er predicted that Atlantis would be discovered in 2022, that aliens would infiltrate the governments of the world in 2023, and that the colonization of Mars would begin in 2028.

Unsurprisingly, most people were a little skeptical of the last post and said it was strange that they weren’t just referring to the Perseid meteor shower – visible in our skies around the same time each year – by name.

One user moaned, “None of what he said came to pass. Tell us something legitimate.”

A second person commented, “What if this guy shows us what he looks like?”

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