All you need to know about detoxification


The scene: You do not feel so good after the five-course work dinner of today's evening, which included not one but three desserts. While you're lying on the couch Game of thrones (spoiler: it's not worth it), reevaluate all you have to do with whiskey on the rocks: maybe I should do a detox. Your best friend's colleague made one where he lost 20 pounds of sugar, so it must be a good idea, right?

Whether with alcohol or caffeine; carbohydrates or sugars, detoxification is very trendy right now. And there is a lot of money behind this idea of ​​finding a quick fix to feel better (or better). Take the juice cleaning industry, to start., a market research center, said it was a $ 4.3 billion market in the US in 2017 and is expected to reach $ 8.1 billion in 2024. It's just the cleaning of the juice. Which, like many of the industry's "detox", looks like a scam.

"People are looking for different ways to regain their health," said Arie Schwartz, CEO of the Abrahamson Center, a chain of facilities dedicated to treating addictions ranging from sugar to tobacco. "The toxicity in our body appears in different ways, ranging from a slow metabolism or a craving for sweets or different substances to lack of sleep and even depression. Most people have found detoxification as a way out of all these symptoms. A natural way to heal the system, reset it and adopt a healthier lifestyle. "

Still interested? We met experts to understand three popular vices, what they do to your body and even if it's worth it to quit.


More than 90% of adults regularly consume caffeine. It is a natural stimulant for the brain and the central nervous system. And that can being part of a healthy diet for most people (according to the FDA, up to 400 milligrams a day, or between four and five cups of coffee, seem to be safe for most adults in good health).

When is it bad? "Too much caffeine can be dangerous for your health," says Schwartz. "It can be bad if you feel that your system is not working properly without it, such as lack of concentration, fatigue, bad temper, headaches. It can be worse if you put sugar in it.

Why should you keep it: Caffeine has been shown to contribute to sports performance, memory and weight loss. A massive review of the scientific literature on coffee published in the British Medical Journal found that daily consumption of three to four cups of black coffee provides the most health benefits, including a lower risk of multiple cancers. neurological, hepatic and metabolic disorders.

If you consume caffeine, do not forget: "For those who need to reduce their excessive drinking habits or for medical reasons, do it easily," says Dr. Luiza Petre, graduate cardiologist and weight management specialist. "Cold turkey can cause significant withdrawal symptoms, such as lack of energy, fatigue, lack of concentration, which is why a gradual reduction is suggested." Another note: even decaffeinated beverages may contain traces (about 7 milligrams, the usual 95 in a regular cup).


When you hear "sugar", you can think of the white substance of the table, called sucrose, which is found naturally in dairy products, fruits and vegetables. added Sugar is the type that concerns us the most: the ingredients in desserts, sugary drinks and other sweets such as jam and syrup. The Pew Research Center reports that the average American consumes more than 77 kg of added sugar per year (chill), despite the FDA's recommendation to limit added sugar intake to less than 10% of calories per day.


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