Alt Perspective Coverage of the live broadcast, including the Money In The Bank edition of A Moment Of Bliss, Styles As New Number One Contender, And More –


APRIL 29, 2019
Lexington, Kentucky

Advertisers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young


-The show started with Alexa Bliss heading to the ring for her Money In The Bank announcement. While she was walking down, Michael Cole plugged in the signed contract for later in the night between AJ Styles and Seth Rollins. Finally, Bliss arrived in the ring and was applauded by the audience. She welcomed the crowd with a special edition of A Moment of Bliss, then plugged Money In The Bank. From there, she stated that there would be two games of the MITB ladder: one for men and one for women. She then announced that each match would have eight participants. Four would come from Raw and four from SmackDown. With the details, Bliss began to announce the participants of Raw's men. Braun Strowman was first announced and Ricochet second. Both babyfaces received a good reaction from the crowd. As everyone headed into the ring, the ad team discussed each man and why he might be the man to win the contract. Once Ricochet arrived in the ring, the public chanted him before Bliss announced Drew McIntyre as the third Raw participant. McIntyre had a good negative reaction and, like previous Babyfaces sites, the ad team explained why McIntyre would be a good choice to win the Briefcase. The fourth participant was Baron Corbin. As it was announced, the public booed loudly. As Bliss read her compliments, she stopped and asked Corbin to go out. Corbin did it and had a lot of heckling. He mocked Bliss for not having gone through the rest of the compliments, but then admitted that they were long. From there, Corbin explained how he would win the match again and become a two-time winner of the MITB. Ricochet is voiced and said that Corbin had lost his opportunity when he had won the MITB last time. The audience applauds and McIntyre intervenes and agrees with him. He also ran along Corbin and claimed that Baron Corbin had stolen his chance at the World Championship. Ricochet spoke again and said he was not there to talk. McIntyre told him to shut up and let the adults talk about business. The back and forth continued until Braun Strowman interrupted it. He said no one could win the MITB briefcase because he would do it. Strowman then challenged McIntyre and Corbin in a team match with Ricochet as a partner. While the heels team discussed everything, the show was going to take a break. (C)

Heydorn analysis: A cookie cutter in nature, but I guess the job was done. Each man claimed victory and this claim was supported by commentaries. A to B, but it worked. MITB should be more than A to B. These locations are important and the price is even more important. WWE must talk about it. That said, McIntyre felt like a major star, but he sacrificed Ricochet to assume that role of alpha star. A moment of "welcome to the big leagues" for Ricochet.


From the break, the bell rings and the match begins. Corbin and Strowman started the main game. Quickly, Strowman scored Ricochet in the match after throwing Corbin out of the ring. Ricochet hit him on a moonlight and then replaced him in the ring for a springboard clothesline. From there, Corbin stumbled into his corner and wore the label to Drew. McIntyre had a big shot early, but Ricochet dodged him. He had a few shots, then struck the ropes, but McIntyre grabbed him after a springboard and slammed him to the mat. From there, McIntyre crushed Ricochet with a firm chop. The audience chanted Ricochet as McIntyre went through an attack. It swelled him a bit, but he could not pick up speed because of Drew's stiff elbow. Corbin scored the game at that time and maintained the dominance that McIntyre started.

Heydorn analysis: Good sale of Ricochet. The audience is with him and the creation of the Strowman active tag is in place and works well.

Corbin had locked his chin to the ground, but he finally punched Corbin's bowels. As the audience cheered, he freed himself and hit his hurricane dropkick suit. From there, he tried to hit a springboard maneuver, but Corbin hurt him in the shoulder. The show then went to the commercial break. (C)

After the break, Corbin kept control of the match on Ricochet. After hitting Ricochet in the corner, Corbin made fun of Braun Strowman who was on the other side of the ring in his corner. From there, Ricochet was beaten and Corbin threw him outside the ring. Outside, Drew tried to get involved illegally, but Strowman stopped him. With Strowman distracted by Drew, Corbin attacked him from behind. Strowman pursued him around the ring, but was then timed by a McIntyre Claymore Kick.

Heydorn's analysis: It was incredible. A super spot that has aroused a strong reaction from the public.

Eventually, the action reverberated in the ring where Corbin covered Ricochet for a pin, but only got two accounts. After the pin, Drew entered the match and continued his attack on Ricochet. While Strowman was down, McIntyre hit Ricochet while he was trying to score no one. From there, Corbin scored the match and made fun of Ricochet for having no one to tag in his corner. Finally, Strowman went back on the apron and Ricochet realized the tag. Strowman hit the ring and decimated everything in sight. He hit Drew with a splash in the corner and then pummeled him on the mat. He then tried a second splash, but crashed into the corner. From there, Ricochet came in and was immediately crushed by a whim of Drew. In the end, Corbin placed a blind tag in the match, which angered McIntyre. Ricochet was able to add Strowman to the match because of Corbin's antics. Seeing this, McIntyre pinned Corbin, allowing Strowman to hit Power Slam, followed by Ricochet's Shooting Star Press. Ricochet then made the cover for the 1,2,3 victory.

WINNER: Strowman and Ricochet via pinfall

Heydorn analysis: good match with a nice construction on the Strowman tag. McIntyre lighting Corbin was predictable, but it worked. Ricochet shone at the end of the match, but suffered a lot of damage. He sold it well, but he must also be featured as a leading athlete because of his athletic prowess. He is better than and small outsider.

-After the match, Strowman and Ricochet celebrated and left the ring. From there, the Usos had a nice reaction. They then sang their music of entry as they walked towards the ring. From there, the show went to the break. (C)

Heydorn analysis: A little confused by this entry. For one thing, their music stopped playing once they got into the ring and Jimmy and Jey seemed surprised. The music came back and they started singing again. That aside, why are they singing at all? The gimmick is fine as is. This, like many other things on Raw these days, is overproduced and useless.

After the commercial break, the Usos were still waiting for their opponents. Gallows and Anderson came out soon after for a very quiet response from the audience.


As Gallows and Anderson headed for the ring, a pre-recorded promo was aired. In this document, they qualified as bulletproof and announced that they would reign over Raw's team division. When the video was over, the bell rang in the ring and the match started. Out of the door, Jimmy pulled down Anderson with a shoulder and then dropped him with a clothesline. From there, he struck a killer whale running in the corner, before enrolling Jey. I immediately tried a lapel pin, but only got two shots. Outside the spit, Anderson was able to secure control of the match and hammered Jey with stiff shots in the back. He then scored Gallows in the match and Jays with a big right hand belonged to Gallows. Jimmy ended up entering the match and attempted a suicide dive. The gallows countered with a forearm in the face, then threw Jimmy throat first into the ropes. With Gallows under control, the show went on a commercial break. (C)

Heydorn's analysis: Gallows and Anderson have so far looked good. They seem to go through the motions sometimes, but they do not give that meaning here. Something to watch.

Outside the break, the unilateral defeat continued. Anderson tried a pin on Jimmy, but received two counts. Immediately after the pin, Anderson is locked in a helmet. The hold was short-lived because Jimmy escaped. After escaping, he worked for the offensive, but Anderson landed him with a clothesline before registering Gallows in the match. While Jimmy was down, Graves said he could not remember the last time the Usos were dominated as they had been in that game. Finally, Jimmy hit Gallows with an enziguri and made Jey the label. Jey hit the ring and chained with a series of kicks before nailing Anderson with a Samoan Drop. Finally, he covered Anderson, but got two accounts. Outside the pin, Jey attempted a jumping splash in the corner, but she was countered by a two-point pin. Gallows and Anderson tried to hit the Magic Killer out of the game, but Jimmy countered that by connecting with a great kick. Train there, Jimmy and Jey have launched stereo super-shots on both opponents. From there, Jimmy hit Gallows before covering for the win 1, 2, 3.

WINNER: Usos via pinfall

Heydorn analysis: It's good to see Gallows and Anderson put together a decent match. They seem to be on the same level as before, but working with Usos has clearly brought them a supplement.

-After the match, the team of advertisers asked what they would see usos, what they never did. From there, the Usos filmed a video of them spying awakening in the shower. Dash was shown shaving Dawson's back. The Usos laughed, which pushed the awakening out. They were called men and Dawson admitted that he had hair. He said that because of his big muscles, he could not shave anywhere and that he needed the help of his best 20-year-old friends. Dash said he would still have his friend's back. From there, they said that after winning their match against Hawkins and Ryder, they would take care of the Usos.

Heydorn's analysis: WWE finally has two of its best teams on the same brand and the only creator they can create to pair them up is to make the babyface team make fun of the other team's shave. Good grief, guys.

-The Miz had a good reaction for Miz TV. As he headed for the ring, the show was going to pause. (C)

-At the break, Miz was in the ring to the applause of the audience. He welcomed everyone on Miz TV and then said that it was good that Miz TV be back Monday night. He then called A-Lister, but said that since the Superstar Shake-Up, he had been rejuvenated. From there, he welcomed his first guest in this new era, Bobby Lashley. The audience booed Lashley, who arrived in the ring without Lio Rush.

Heydorn analysis: I like the pace of babyface Miz at the microphone. It's natural and he feels like talking to the crowd. Good product.

Once Lashley arrived in the ring, he posed in front of the audience and then smiled at the audience as he hoisted him up. From there, he and Miz sat down while Miz introduced him to him again. He then told Lashley that he was superb, but before continuing, Lashley had interrupted him.


Lashley spoke in the third person and said that he would only answer questions that he wished. Miz then threatened Lashley a bit before explaining why he wanted to invite him. He told her about Lashley's physical attributes, but alluded to the fact that people think he has not reached his full potential. Lashley said he has been back to WWE for a year and has been a two-time Intercontinental Champion. From there, he asked what Miz had done. In response, Miz mocked him and then ran through his achievements as would the "old Miz". He said he could go on and on, but they would be there for a very long time. Miz stated that no one was questioning his potential and that he had accomplished all he had without the slightest athletic ability of Lashley. Lashley responded to Miz's comments by tearing up his loss at WrestleMania against Shane McMahon. Finally, Lashley mentioned Miz's father, who made him lose him and attack Lashley. Miz led Lashley out of the ring as the show ended. (C)

Heydorn's analysis: Totally random from the point of view of the content. Why does Miz question what's going on about Lashley? Why does Lashley worry that Miz is questioning him? It's just there and it's happening. Plus, Lashley is talking in the third person now?


Apart from the commercial break, the match was going on and Lashley was totally in control. He hit Miz with a vertical suplex, then leaned over him. From there, Lashley lifted him for a body slam, but Miz countered the shot and hit Lashley with a series of kicks in the corner. He followed the kicks while running, but stopped after the sound of Shane McMahon's music. Shane did his dance on the ramp, which distracted Miz. This allowed Lashley to take over briefly, but life was short. Miz then dealt effectively with Shane and Lashley and covered Lashley for a two-point penalty attempt. Out of the pin, he used the Yes Kicks when the audience applauded and chanted "yes". From there, Shane got up on the apron and asked for a photo of Miz's father to be shown on the big screen. Seeing this, Miz was still distracted and pursued Shane. This allowed Lashley to hit a spear and cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Lashley via pinfall

-After the match, Shane provoked Miz until Miz attacked. Miz had a few shots, but Lashley stopped him. This allowed Shane to beat Miz in the ring as the audience raised him. Shane then locked Miz into a BJJ choke until he fainted in the middle of the ring. In the absence of Miz, Shane spoke to Miz and told him that he was the best in the world. Shane was standing in front of Miz before leaving the ring. (C)

Heydorn's Analysis: It's strange to type these words, but Miz / Shane is one of the best programs in the WWE at the moment. The two men consistently perform well and advance the story, and this is another example. The match with Lashley was what he was, but only existed to promote Miz / Shane. It worked in this respect. Well done on all fronts.

-At the break, the announcement team highlighted the events between Miz and Shane. After the highlights, Viking Raiders thieves are needed. While they were walking down, a pre-taped promo was aired in which they said they would conquer Raw. The promo is over with them saying that the raid was on. At the end of the video, the Lucha House Party attacked the Viking Raiders from behind, in retaliation for last week. Finally, the two Viking Raiders got into the ring and their match officially started.


Metalik and Kalisto quickly attacked at the start, but were quickly stopped by the two Raiders. They hit Metalik and Kalisto en masse, before crushing Kalisto with the Viking Experience. Afterwards, they made the cover for the 1,2,3 victory.

WINNER: Viking Raiders via pinfall

-After the match, Lince Dorado tried to fight alone the two Raiders, but was destroyed for his efforts.

Heydorn analysis: I can be behind the squash match. But are Viking Raiders heels or babyfaces? They attacked from behind last week, but were then attacked from behind this week? They are intense, but I do not feel anything "bad" overflow from their act. They win with simple moves and have a gadget that is loved for the most part. Matching them in front of LHP without good reason was embarrassing.

– At the end of the break, Alexa Bliss was at the top of the ramp for the second part of her revelation of Money In The Bank. She quickly started the revelation and announced that Natalya was the first competitor of Raw Women. Nattie went out and thanked Alexa Bliss for this announcement. Nattie said that she had the privilege of being part of the match and that she had never been a champion of raw women. Then Bliss announced that Dana Brooke basically had no response from the crowd. Brooke said she was excited about this opportunity and that she would not let it go. Brooke and Nattie quarreled over whether or not Natalya detained Brooke until Bliss stopped them and told them that they might have their ridiculous arguments elsewhere. From there, Bliss announced Naomi. She came out and said that since she's Raw, her only goal is to win the Raw Women's Championship. The three of them quarreled again and again, Alexa Bliss prevented them from doing so. Bliss told them to stop fighting because they were spoiling the moment of another Raw competitor. Bliss is then presented as the fourth rival of Raw for MITB. Bliss burst out laughing and told everyone to leave his stage. Instead, Naomi challenged Bliss. Bliss said no because she did not want and she was not dressed for the competition. Naomi continued to work until Bliss finally agreed.

Heydorn analysis: agitated. Very agitated. Catty was the right word for Bliss, but it was written like that. Like the men's segment, this MITB opportunity comes with a serious element. These women did not do this and whenever they did not, the MITB concept is diluted.

-After the second part of a moment of happiness, episode two of Firefly Funhouse was aired. Bray Wyatt was shown painting and talking to various animal friends in the program. Eventually, Bray revealed that he was painting a burning house. From there, the other members of the entertainment company interacted with Bray until the show vanished and went black.

Heydorn's analysis: scandalous and intriguing at the same time. Impossible to reach a definitive opinion on it yet. Like last week, we have to see where it's going.

-When Firefly Funhouse came to an end, Bliss and Naomi were put in the ring before their match. The show then went to the break. (C)


From the break, the bell rings and the match begins. Naomi took over early while Bliss was arguing with the referee that she could not compete. Naomi connected with a sliding clothesline before knocking her off Bliss. From there, Naomi covered, but Bliss turned to two. Finally, Bliss took power and kicked Naomi before slamming her into the ring. After that, she grabbed Naomi on the carpet before locking her into a bed that placed her on the floor. Finally, Naomi broke the hold and began hitting Bliss with jumps. Bliss retorted and took Naomi on the carpet before covering herself for two counts. From there, Bliss owned the match and defeated Naomi with a variety of offenses. Bliss mocked Naomi while she was delivering the beating. When the action spread outside the ring, Naomi regained control after a rolling pin above the rope. This momentum was short-lived as Bliss countered the subsequent offense. In the end, Alexa's shoe fell and Naomi was able to regain control. She then hit the cut halfpipe before covering for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Naomi via pinfall

Heydorn analysis: A story rooted in Bliss lost due to a dysfunction of the shoe. You read correctly. It was good, but nothing important to remember.

-After the match, we showed Rey Mysterio warming with the backstage of Dominic. Interviewed, Mysterio said that he was embarrassed by his performance at WrestleMania. He said that he had let down his family and son, but that he had to forget about it and go ahead. He said he would prove he is the best and win his match tonight against Joe.

Heydorn analysis: A beautiful promo of babyface Rey. Simple and to the point. Good product.

-When the video is over, Becky Lynch has received a positive response from the audience. When she landed in the ring, the show went on commercial break. (C)

-At the end of the break, Becky was in the ring while advertisers plugged her two title defenses to MITB. Before being interviewed, the audience chanted his name. They then chanted "Becky two belts" before Becky asked her why she agreed to defend her two titles in two different matches. Becky said that there was nothing impulsive about what she was doing. She said her options were to fight or protect herself and that she only knew how to fight.


From there, Lynch said she did not really care about who she was and that she ran all the way through the past year. The course she talked about included the main WrestleMania contest and the victory over Ronda Rousey. Lynch then said that her entire career was long, but nothing had been an accident for her. She said she ran against Charlotte Flair for holding a division and she vowed never to do so, even though it reduced her chances of winning. Becky said she had not managed to avoid where she was and she should not start now. Becky then went straight to Charlotte and Lacey Evans. She said that she had Charlotte's number and that she never knew where and when Evans would attack her. She said that she could tell Lacey where her attack would come from and that it would be up to Money In The Bank in three weeks. From there, the highlights of last week were broadcast on the face of Lacey Evans. After seeing them, Becky told Lacey Evans to retire to recover a little.

Heydorn's analysis: It's more like that. Becky struggled to find her voice in the championship in the weeks following the victory at WrestleMania. It was a big step in the right direction. She looked comfortable and used her path to define the type of champion she wanted to be. With that as a basis, she talked about her title defenses. Good product.

Evans went out and spoke to Becky from the ramp. Evans said that she could see the Irish character of Becky bubbling. Evans reminded Lynch to keep her emotions under control, but that she had finished talking. Evans rushed to Lynch and the fight ensued. The two women fought around the ring until they were separated by the authorities.

Heydorn analysis: Simple, but it worked I guess. The crowd was at least in the game.

-Once the fight ended, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder made their entry. As they posed, the show went to the break. (C)

-At the break, the highlights of the Lynch / Evans fight were aired. The advertiser team then highlighted WWE's efforts in WWE with a video.

(6) CURT HAWKINS & ZACK RYDER against renewal

The action began after the video. The awakening got the upper hand early with Dawson taking over Zack Ryder. They doubled their Ryder team as the audience chanted "shave your back". From there, the Revival cut the ring in half and maintained Ryder's momentum. They came in and out of the match with other double team maneuvers in between. Finally, Ryder hit Dash with a daredevil and tried to score Hawkins, but was stopped by Dawson. From there, Ryder turned Dawson upside down for the win of 1,2,3.

WINNER: Hawkins and Ryder via pinfall

Heydorn analysis: Nothing to do. If the WWE wants to crush the alarm clock, they should just do it. At least, the team that crushes wins something. Here, the Revival owned the match and then lost at random. This does not benefit either team.

-After the match, the Miz was interviewed behind the scenes. Miz responded to Shane McMahon and said that he had made their rivalry personal. Miz then pitched a challenge to Shane in favor of a match in a steel cage at Money In The Bank. Miz then left.

Heydorn analysis: A logical next step for a personal quarrel. Shane is flying from the top of the cage, is not it?

-When Miz finished, Sami Zayn hit the ring. While he was walking on the ramp, the show was going to pause. (C)

-At the break, Sami Zayn has addressed the audience again. He talked about finding himself and other interests during his free time. He spoke about the psychological right and told this definition to the audience. From there, Sami told the public that he had been lying about the fact that the customer was always right. He made fun of Lexington's cerebral power and then said the public mistakenly thought he should get exactly what he wanted when he wanted to. Zayn then told the story of a four-year-old child asking for an autograph at four in the morning at the airport. Zayn said that he told her no and that it made him sick because this kid had learned at four that he owed something to him. Zayn said he owes nothing to this child or who else. Zayn told the crowd that now, Zayn gives what he wants and that the public has to accept it. From there, Zayn continued to reprimand the public and said that it was high time for him to regain power.

Heydorn's Analysis: Somewhere over there, Zayn said it would be nice to leave WWE, but it would be better to hold the public accountable for his actions and words. Leaving the WWE goes against this constant anti-fanal fight, does not it? Something is messed up there. Whatever the case may be, the shelf life of this product is getting shorter each week. What is the final game?

-When Zayn finished, Samoa Joe hit the ring while the show was going to break. (C)

-After the commercial break, Joe spoke to the microphone and spoke to Rey. He said that Rey's son was ashamed of him and how quickly his father had been asleep at WrestleMania. Joe then stated that what he had done in Rey at WrestleMania would be derisory compared to what he did tonight to report on what happened last week to Joe, who lost his opportunity for a world championship.


Once Joe finished, Rey Mysterio came out and the match started. A fight started coming out of the door with Rey taking a small advantage. With that, Rey tried to make a slippery splash of the ring outward, but it was thwarted when Joe raised his knees. With Rey writhing in pain, the show went to the break. (C)

Quand le spectacle est revenu, Joe a poursuivi son assaut sur Mysterio. Il donna un coup de pied à Rey dans la section médiane avant de le mettre dans une serrure latérale au cou. Le public a demandé à Rey de s'échapper, ce qu'il a fait en quelques coups de pied. Joe lui donna un coup de pied en arrière et tenta une course à pied, mais Rey s'éloigna. De là, il a frappé sa propre faction assise avant que Joe Dropkick au genou. Après, Rey a tenté un tremplin, mais Joe a répliqué en le rattrapant en plein vol. Rey a ensuite contré cela avec une tornade DDT avant de couvrir pour deux chefs d'accusation. En dehors de la goupille, Rey a frappé Joe dans la section médiane avec le 619. Il est ensuite allé en chercher un autre, mais Joe a riposté dans le lit à l'arrière. Rey s'est échappé si vite, mais a été claqué au tapis dans le coin. En dehors de ce mouvement, Joe a encore une fois tenté le même chelem, mais Mysterio a contré le problème en tentant une broche. Les épaules de Joe baissées, l’arbitre a compté 1,2,3 pour la victoire. (c)

GAGNANT: Mysterio via pinfall

Analyse de Heydorn: Pas mal, mais pas comment j’utiliserais Samoa Joe. S'il veut être un talon vicieux et parler comme tel, les résultats dans le ring doivent présenter ce personnage. Cela a atteint un point, mais a été dégonflé quand il a perdu le match. Dans une histoire à long terme, cette perte pourrait avoir un sens. À la télévision avec à peine n'importe quel battage médiatique? Not really.

-Pers la pause, Michael Cole a annoncé le prochain match du Championnat Universel chez Money In The Bank entre AJ Styles et Seth Rollins. Il a ensuite présenté les deux concurrents pour la signature de leur contrat. AJ est sorti le premier pour une bonne réaction. Rollins a été introduit en second lieu et a reçu une réaction similaire. Au moment où tous deux se dirigeaient vers le ring, l'équipe de l'annonce annonçait chaque homme comme un artiste de premier plan de son époque. Une fois que Rollins est arrivé sur le ring, Cole a parlé aux deux concurrents. AJ s'est concentré sur ce que cela signifierait pour lui de remporter le championnat universel. Il a dit que SmackDown Live était bon pour lui, mais que Raw était l'endroit où il fallait être. AJ s’est alors adressé à Rollins et lui a dit qu’il l’aimait toujours beaucoup. AJ a dit que Seth avait quelque chose qu'il voulait dans le championnat universel. Styles a dit que lorsque vous voulez quelque chose d'assez grave, vous faites des choses inattendues pour l'obtenir. Styles a ensuite déclaré que les gagnants trouvaient un moyen et que Rollins le gagnait car il était le champion universel. À partir de là, AJ demande combien de fois a-t-on dit que Seth Rollins serait le nouveau AJ Styles? Styles répond simplement en disant à Rollins qu’il ne sera jamais le phénoménal AJ Styles. En réponse, Seth a répondu qu’il avait raison et qu’il ne voulait pas être le prochain AJ Styles. Il a dit qu'il voulait juste être le premier Rollins de Seth «Freakin». Rollins a alors dit à AJ que Raw était différent. Il a dit que ce n’est pas SmackDown Vivez la maison construite par AJ, mais Monday Night Rollins. Seth a déclaré qu'il faudrait que AJ soit meilleur que phénoménal pour lui retirer le championnat universel à Money In The Bank. AJ a ensuite répondu à Rollins et a dit qu'il savait à quel point le titre comptait pour Rollins. Il a ensuite demandé à Rollins comment il se comportait maintenant que le bouclier n’était plus là pour le garder. AJ a ensuite dit à Rollins qu'il ne pensait pas avoir grand-chose à offrir. AJ a déclaré à Money In The Bank, il serait un bulldog qui ne lâcherait pas. Il a dit qu’il ne le lâcherait pas tant qu’il ne se tiendrait pas devant Rollins en tant que nouveau champion universel. Rollins a répondu en disant que même si AJ aime construire, il aime les brûler. Rollins a dit qu’ils étaient semblables, mais qu’il avait battu Brock Lesnar contrairement à Styles. Rollins a déclaré qu'il était à son meilleur à WrestleMania quand il a battu Brock Lesnar et qu'il serait à son meilleur à Money In The Bank quand il le bat. Seth a ensuite procédé à son propre championnat et à signer le contrat. AJ le prit et l'examina avant de le remettre à Rollins. Les deux hommes se regardèrent ensuite jusqu'à ce que Rollins le soulève bien au-dessus de sa tête. À partir de là, AJ passa devant Rollins puis le fixa au visage. Les deux hommes se sont ensuite bagarrés jusqu'à ce que Rollins frappe AJ avec une plongée suicide suicide à travers les cordes. Après, Rollins a posé à nouveau, mais AJ connecté avec l'avant-bras phénoménal à travers la table dans le ring. AJ a ensuite posé sur Rollins alors que le spectacle s'effaçait au noir.


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