Always bitter? Hillary Clinton says "the best campaign can be stolen"


Hillary Clinton said Saturday that she was counseling candidates on having a "stolen" election at an "Evening with the Clintons" event in Los Angeles, California.

"You can make the best campaign, you can even become the candidate, and you can get yourself stolen the election," said Clinton, who informed the candidates who came to see her. The comment was greeted with applause.

Clinton's campaign in 2016 was targeted by Russia's interference efforts, including e-mails stolen from the public by the president of his campaign and efforts to misinform social media.

The presidential candidate who failed twice has a long list of people and entities for whom she blamed President Trump for defeat, including misogyny, FBI, sexism, the National Rifle Association and Russia. Clinton won the popular vote with nearly 3 million votes, but lost the electoral college 304 to 227.

Clinton warned that Russia would engage again and try to strengthen Trump in the 2020 elections, and said at an event last weekend that she had told the candidates: "Some factors could still undermine a legitimate election."

Clinton's latest comments come a few weeks after the release of the report of special advocate Robert Mueller on Russian interference, which revealed no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, while leaving open the question of the obstruction of justice by the president. Although Attorney General William Barr said that there was not enough evidence to obstruct, Clinton said: "The Mueller report could not be clearer, the Russians intervened in our election and Trump has obstructed justice. "

The appearance also follows new details from a recently published update in Peter Baker's book, correspondent of the White House correspondent at the New York Times Obama: the call of historyFormer President Barack Obama accused Clinton of being responsible for Trump's victory in 2016, considering it as a "personal insult", and pinned it specifically on the "no script" campaign from his former secretary of state.

According to the New York Post, ticket prices for Bill and Hillary Clinton's lecture tour have dropped considerably since its announcement in November.


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