Alzheimer's and brushing teeth: Forget about brushing your teeth today, much later? | Science | In-depth reports on science and technology | DW


Doctors sometimes describe the triangular area of ​​the face encompassing the nose and mouth, where untreated wounds can transmit bacteria to the brain, such as the "danger triangle of the face" or the "triangle of death".

This disturbing classification was adopted when doctors discovered that the blood vessels in this triangular area of ​​the face had strong ties to the blood vessels of your brain, allowing dangerous bacteria to penetrate open wounds more readily and transmit infections to your skull. untreated, could cause death.

It is true that bacteria accumulated between your unwashed hands and your humiliating pimples can spread to the brain more easily than a leg cut, with modern medicine, deaths due to the penetration of bacteria in these cracks are unlikely.

Read more: What our teeth reveal about us

Although the facial triangle of death does not kill many people, bacteria can also have very real consequences, according to a study by researcher Piotr Mydel of the University of Bergen, Norway.

The study, published in the journal Progress of science, indicates a relationship between gum disease and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease. Mydel found that the more you would lazily forget about brushing your teeth today, the more you would forget later.

Woman brushing teeth

Brush twice a day to maximize your dental hygiene

Gum disease is caused by the build-up of dental plaque on the teeth, which occurs most often when we do not brush or floss regularly. The study found that this plaque contains bacteria that can move to the brain, producing a protein that can destroy nerve cells.

The destruction of nerve cells in the brain results in memory loss and eventually Alzheimer's disease. This is not the only cause, said Mydel, but the bacteria can increase the risk of developing degenerative disease and can worsen it.

The bacterium that causes gum disease is affected by about 50% of the population, but only 10% will suffer the worst effects, including serious gum disease, tooth loss and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease said Mydel.

Read more: What should you do when brushing your teeth?

There are many hard things in the world: it is difficult to raise our families, to go to university and pay our bills. Brushing your teeth, however, is not one of those things – it's a no-brainer.

If, in the long term, the abandonment of lazy brushing can have harmful consequences, as Mydel's research has shown, it is also frankly brutal in the short term.


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