Amarillo News | City of Amarillo, Texas


AAMW vaccinates over 1,000 dogs

Vaccines provided free of charge

Next vaccination clinic scheduled for September 4

AMARILLO – In the space of a few hours on two consecutive Saturdays, the Department of Animal Management and Welfare of the City of Amarillo (AAMW) vaccinated – free of charge – more than 1,000 dogs at its canine vaccination clinic driving.

Vaccination clinics took place on August 14 and 21. More than 500 dogs were vaccinated against diseases such as distemper and rabies last Saturday in the parking lot of the Dick Bivins stadium despite a rainstorm that hit in the afternoon.

Due to the high demand for vaccination, the next AAMW drive-thru vaccination clinic is scheduled for September 4 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of the Dick Bivins stadium.

This will give AAMW time to provide rabies vaccination identification tags for dogs vaccinated against rabies.

“The response to the vaccination clinics has been much greater than expected. It has proven the need for canine vaccinations in our community, ”said Victoria Medley, Director of AAMW.

The vaccines consist of the rabies vaccine and the DHPP vaccine. (DHPP is a canine vaccine that prevents distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and two types of adenovirus – hepatitis.)

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