AmazonSmile, Amazon's charity arm, helps fund anti-vaccination groups


Amazon helps fund anti-vaccination organizations through its charitable arm, the AmazonSmile Foundation, The Guardian reports. AmazonSmile is featured on the websites of four leading anti-vaccine organizations: the National Vaccine Information Center, Physicians for Informed Consent, Learning Risk and Age of Autism. Amazon allows customers to give 0.5% of their purchase price to an organization of their choice through AmazonSmile. Amazon cited many anti-vaccine organizations eligible for donations, including US citizens for health choice, the National Coalition for Freedom of Health, Michigan for vaccine choice, Texans for vaccine freedom, A voice for choice and informed action network.

Donations are just the latest example of technology companies helping the anti-vaccination movement. The Facebook platform has been used to spread theories of anti-vaccine conspiracy, with little resistance from the social network. In addition, Facebook and YouTube users looking for information about vaccines are pointing to anti-vaccination theories of questionable scientific value, designed to scare parents of young children.


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