America lacks hard seltz


Seltz hard natural light? Anheuser-Busch looks into the trend

"We are working hard to increase the supply given the rapid growth in consumer demand," Sanjiv Gajiwala, senior vice president of marketing for White Claw, told CNN Business. "The white claw has accelerated faster than anyone could have predicted."

The company did not say when the stock would return to normal, but Gajiwala said "allocate products to our distributor partners to keep all the markets in stock in the best possible way and will remain so until we found our normal safety. " stock position. "

The white label has exploded recently, evoking memes and trends. Sales of this drink increased by 283% to $ 327.7 million in July compared to the same period last year. Its sales also accounted for nearly 55% of all hard selector sales for the week of July 4th, a 200% increase over sales on July 4th, 2018, according to Nielsen data.
The drink, which is the industry leader, was launched by Mike's hard lemonade maker, Mark Anthony Brands, in 2016. The same year, Anheuser-Busch (BUD) bought SpikedSeltzer, which led to Bon & Viv. Boston Beer started making Truly, another popular Selzer salt.
It took a while for the white claw to be heard by the drinkers. Now, people are looking for less caloric and less sugary drinks, and Seltzer is perfect. White Claw and his competitor both have about 100 calories, while Bon & Viv has about 90 calories.
Fashion does not fade either. Last month, Anheuser-Busch launched a new range of spiked seltz under the Natural Light brand, an affordable product sold to university-aged drinkers.

"These new products can help these companies, such as Anheuser-Busch, to" cushion these losses, "Bloom Bloom, associate director of US Food and Drink at Mintel, told Bloom Bloom, because of a drop in beer sales.

Alcohol drinkers have generally favored premium beers and spirits. According to a recent note from Macquarie Research, Salt Salts, a less caloric alternative to beer, could seize light beers.

– Danielle Weiner-Bronner of CNN Business contributed to this report.


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