American Coronavirus: We Must Do Something Dramatic To Protect United States From Covid-19, Expert Says


“We see this because the public misunderstood the CDC’s guidelines for fully vaccinated people like ‘We can now do whatever we want. Even if we are not vaccinated, we can now behave as if we were vaccinated.’ “CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday.
Covid-19 cases are increasing in almost every state, with an average of new cases at least 10% higher than a week ago – and 38 states registering an increase of at least 50%, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Many experts have attributed the increase to slowing vaccination rates with only 48.3% of the U.S. population fully vaccinated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In Arkansas, where only 35.1% of the population is fully vaccinated, the Delta variant has had a big impact, said University of Arkansas Chancellor for Medical Sciences Cam Patterson, adding that hospitals were “Full right now and cases were doubling every 10 days.” . “

In Missouri, a local health department has asked the state to fund staff and a location for a Covid-19 care site to be managed to increase in severe cases, according to a statement from the Springfield County Health Department -Greene.

There is still hope to avoid a peak fall, said CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky, if enough people are vaccinated. But, if the trend of increasing cases continues, cities and states could put travel restrictions in place for unvaccinated travelers, she told ABC’s Good Morning America.

“I think the time has come to really double our immunization efforts and our other prevention interventions,” she said. “We still have to send the same messages as last year,” Walensky said.

In an interview with NBC Nightly News, Walensky said that with increasing case rates, lowering vaccination rates and the spread of the Delta variant, things could continue to get worse during the pandemic.

In California, Los Angeles County – the country’s largest county with a population of 10 million – responded to an increase in cases and hospitalizations by reinstating a mask warrant starting on Saturday.

“Right now, it’s time for communities to follow LA County’s lead,” Wen said.

A patient arrives at the Jordan Valley Community Health Center in Springfield, Missouri on July 12, 2021

Colleges and universities requiring vaccinations

Some companies and hospitals have already required their employees to be vaccinated, and now some universities are implementing requirements as well.

Rhode Island has become the first state where all public and private colleges and universities require their students to be fully immunized before returning to campus this fall, Governor Dan McKee announced this week.

Rhode Island health director Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott said in the state press release that vaccinations are “the key” to a successful college year.

“We can’t let our guard down now,” Scott said. “The Delta variant is now circulating in parts of the country where many of our students live. The good news is that vaccines offer protection against this variant. Anyone who has not been vaccinated should get the vaccine today.”

Young children will pay the price if enough American adults don't get Covid-19 vaccine, expert says

And the University of California, the country’s largest public university system, said it plans to require all students, faculty and staff to be fully immunized before returning to campuses in the fall. Those who are not exempt from receiving the vaccine will be banned from classes, activities and in-person accommodation, UC officials said Thursday.

Experts like Dr Anthony Fauci have said local vaccine mandates could be helpful in protecting the United States from another surge. And such mandates could become easier for private companies as vaccines progress.

On average, around 343,000 people get vaccinated each day, a rate lower than a quarter of the rate two months ago when more than 1.3 million people were vaccinated every day.

“Getting full approval – getting out of emergency use authorization and getting full approval – is something that will clarify any legal issues that private employers may have,” the former US secretary of state said on Tuesday. Health and Social Services, Kathleen Sebelius.

With so many people hesitant or resistant to the vaccine and vaccination rates declining, restrictions at work and school may be key in motivating the public to reach the threshold needed to slow or stop the spread, experts said. .

Misinformation costs lives

Meanwhile, the main reasons for the reluctance around Covid-19 vaccines are mistrust and misinformation, according to a CNN analysis of data from the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey.

Nearly half of people who said they would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ not get a Covid-19 vaccine cited mistrust of vaccines as a reason for not getting the vaccine, latest data released Wednesday and based on responses to the June survey July 23 – July 5. This is an increase from about a month ago, when 46% of people who said they were not planning to get the vaccine gave the same reason.

States with low vaccination counts had Covid-19 case rates last week 3 times higher than others where people are fully vaccinated

And in the latest survey, more than half of people who said they would “definitely” or “probably” not get a Covid-19 vaccine because they worried about side effects, up from 49% there about a month old.

“Millions of people do not have access to accurate information right now because on social media platforms and other technology platforms we are seeing a rampant spread of disinformation, and it is costing people their lives. US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said. CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Much of this information often comes from well-meaning people, he added, saying they think they are spreading useful information, but disinformation often spreads faster than accurate information.

Conversations in social circles can be a big part of the solution, he added.

“It’s about talking to peers,” Murthy said during a Stanford University panel Thursday. “Remember, all of these conversations start with listening first… so try to figure out where someone is coming from, why they might be worried. It might not always be what you think.”

CNN’s Gregory Lemos, Carma Hassan, Naomi Thomas, Lauren Mascarenhas, Jacqueline Howard, Deidre McPhillips, Virginia Langmaid and Sarah Braner contributed to this report.


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