America’s most obese states


The obesity epidemic in the United States is a major health problem, and it is getting worse. Almost half of adults in the United States are expected to be obese, not just overweight, by 2030, according to estimates by Harvard researchers published in December 2019 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

While the country as a whole is facing an obesity crisis, the problem is much more pronounced in some states. To identify the most obese conditions, 24/7 Tempo examined health data from the 2021 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, a joint program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.

There are a host of social and economic factors that predispose some populations to higher obesity rates. High rates of obesity can adversely affect the health and life expectancy of the population.

Only four of the 15 states with the highest obesity rates have a lower proportion of adults reporting poor or fair health than the United States as a whole. Additionally, only three of those 15 states report diabetes rates below the national rate. Obesity is one of the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

People with low incomes are less able to afford proper medical care and a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating and easy access to gyms and other physical activity options.

Only one of the 20 states with the highest proportion of obese adults has a median annual household income higher than the median household income across the country. Household income in many of the most obese states is between $ 15,000 and $ 20,000 below the US figure.

InsufficiencyI don’t sleep, hahas been shown to be a contributing factor in obesity. SLdeep deprivationation disturbs the two hormones that control your appetite – ghrelin, which tells you when you are hungry, and leptin, which tells you when you are full. Insufficient sleep is defined as sleepping less than sevenn hours per night on average.

Lack of sleep can lead to increased ghrelin levels (increased appetite) and decreased leptin levels (decreased feeling of fullness), eventually leading to weight gain. All but four of the 20 states with the highest obesity rates have a higher share of the population reporting insufficient sleep than the country as a whole.

Health experts have pointed out several lifestyle factors that likely contribute to the overweight problem in Americans, including a sedentary lifestyle. Eighteen of the 20 states with the highest rate of adult obesity report a lower proportion of adults who exercise than the national proportion.

Obesity rates in the United States have increased over the past few decades, as have misconceptions about the disease. Here are the 16 most enduring obesity myths that need to be resolved.


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