An amazing study from the University of New York indicates that it's the amount of sleep you need to be successful


Absurdly leads look at the business world with a skeptical eye and a language firmly rooted in the cheek.

I read about Jack Ma insisting that working from 9 am to 9 pm is a wonderful thing.

And I thought, "What a ludicrous absurdity, I wonder how much he sleeps."

Well, sometimes it looks very tired, is not it?

Problems like lack of sleep because you work 12 hours a day, for example.

How long should you sleep if you really want to be healthy, healthy and successful?

They examined everything they could find on sleep online, and then asked real sleep experts to divide the truth of bunkum.

They claim to have found 20 completely false beliefs about sleep that seem commonly accepted.

And, of course, commonly used.

The worst, perhaps, was: "Many adults only need five hours or less of sleep for their general health."

So many entrepreneurs swear by this. Or at least, they expect their employees to swear by this.

They hoist it high as a badge of honor.

The truth is that you are supposed to sleep between 7 and 10 am, depending on your age.

Yes, if you really want to be successful, healthy and successful, let your body and mind really rest.

Many people – and so many entrepreneurs love this one too – are convinced that you can train yourself to need less sleep.

To be truly rested, you have to go through four phases of sleep.

There is light sleep, heavier sleep, deeper sleep, and REM sleep.

"The deeper stages of sleep are really important for neural generation, muscle repair and the immune system," said lead researcher Rebecca Robbins at CNN.

All of this looks like things that a good entrepreneur really needs.

Here is another myth that many embrace: you can fall asleep at any time.

Curiously, a regular sleep schedule harmonizes with your biological clock and is therefore much better for you.

By the way, yes, you can sleep too much – and you should not. No, you should not sleep in a warm room. Cold rooms are more conducive to a happy sleep.

And here is a myth, I admit, that I have never heard of it. Apparently, many people believe that if you remember your dreams, you slept well.

In sum, a healthy lifestyle – one that does not tire you – can be the most conducive to success.

There is such a link between restful sleep and our waking success.

I wonder how many successful entrepreneurs have already tried.

Many of them seem so stressed all the time.


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