An awkward joke of Thor was cut off from the Avengers: the final of the final



"It was a really funny rhythm but we cut it."

By Adam Bankhurst

SPOILERS AHEAD for Avengers: Endgame.

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, when Thor decides to leave Earth to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, he shares a special moment with Valkyrie when he names her new governor of New Asgard. This moment, however, was almost a little more delicate.

Via Screen Rant, co-director of Avengers: Endgame, Anthony Russo was speaking to SiriusXM when he explained that this scene had almost taken a romantic turn.

"There is a funny rhythm," says Russo. "If you remember at the end of the movie, Thor said goodbye to Valkyrie and told Asgard, and in the end we wanted to stay a little tight, so we were looking for stuff to get him. beat with Valkryie where, after returning the kingdom to her, she put her arm on his shoulder and he began to bend over for a kiss, and she said, "What are you doing? & # 39; And he says, "Oh, I thought about touching …" She's like, "Yeah, it's a goodbye touch, a tap that I give you." It was a really funny beat but we cut it. "

Considering that this was cut, this is the second time that filmmakers are trying to create a romance between these two characters, since an original scenario of Thor: Ragnarok stages a little bit more a love story between them .

Co-director Joe Russo said that even if it had been removed, Hemsworth and Thompson "considered this possibility on their own", but that never materialized.

Regarding the future of these characters, Thompson learned that a speech of Taika Waititi had appeared for Thor 4 and, who knows, maybe they will find a romance in Men in Black: International in which they play all both.

As for Valkyrie, there are those who sent her with Captain Marvel, and Thompson and Brie Larson are all here for that.

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Adam Bankhurst is an IGN journalist who thinks this scene was probably for the better. You can follow him on Twitter @ AdamBankhurst.


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