An Egyptian sarcophagus discovered on Mars in a NASA photo, according to a theorist of the YouTube plot


A BONKERS UFO hunter claims to have found an ancient Egyptian artifact in NASA's Mars photos.

A notorious conspirator, Scott C Waring believes that he spotted the signs of a sarcophagus encrusted in the rocky surface of the red planet.

    According to Scott C Waring, conspiracy theorist, this strange-shaped rock is an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus on Mars. Scott used photo editing tools to color the object, which he spotted in a Nasa photo of the red planet.


According to Scott C Waring, conspiracy theorist, this strange-shaped rock is an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus on Mars. Scott used photo editing tools to color the object, which he spotted in a Nasa photo of the red planet.Credit: ET Database

Scott, whose numerous publications on his website, UFO Sightings Daily, has earned him a considerable number of visitors online, believes that his "discovery" proves that the ancient Egyptians came from Mars.

"I have an interesting discovery on Mars that will revolutionize archeology," Scott said in a YouTube video about the discovery.

"There is a kind of ancient Egyptian tomb carved in the side of this mountain on Mars.

"Did the ancient Egyptians come from Mars, did they then move to Egypt?" "Egypt is very similar in appearance and climate to Mars." No other place on Earth resembles Mars so much. "

    Scott believes that his


Scott thinks his "discovery" proves that the ancient Egyptians came from Mars. In the photo, the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamun

Scott has identified the mysterious object on a photo of Mars taken in 2007 by NASA's Rover Opportunity.

According to NASA, the image shows layers and rock formation on the Cape St. Vincent cliff in the Victoria crater.

Scott used photo editing tools to highlight what he said were artifacts from ancient Egypt visible on the image.

In addition to the "sarcophagus", Scott claims to have found face carvings, unfinished statues and "foreign technology" that he thinks have been left behind by the Martians.

"It's not incredible, it really looks like an Egyptian grave dug into the side of a mountain of Mars," he said.

    As well as a


In addition to a "sarcophagus", Scott claims to have found unfinished statues left by "martians".Credit: ET Database

"He seems to have eyes, a nose, a chin and a very wide forehead, which could have occupied a more developed brain."

Scott's claims are unsupported by scientific evidence – space scientists have found no indication that there exists, or ever existed, an intelligent life on Mars.

The discovery is more likely the result of parureidolia, a bizarre effect that causes the brain to see shapes, structures and patterns where they do not exist.

According to NASA: "Parureidolia is a psychological phenomenon in which people see recognizable forms in clouds, rock formations, or other unrelated objects or data.

    Scott has identified the mysterious object on a photo of Mars taken in 2007 by NASA's Rover Opportunity. According to NASA, the image shows rocky layers and a formation on the cliff of Cape St. Vincent in the Victoria crater of Mars.


Scott has identified the mysterious object on a photo of Mars taken in 2007 by NASA's Rover Opportunity. According to NASA, the image shows rocky layers and a formation on the cliff of Cape St. Vincent in the Victoria crater of Mars.Credit: Nasa

Facts of Mars

Here's what you need to know about the red planet …

  • Mars is the fourth planet of the sun
  • He is named after the Roman god of war
  • The landmass of Mars is very similar to Earth, but because of the difference in gravity, you could jump three times higher than you can here.
  • Mars is mountainous and is home to the highest known mountain in the solar system called Olympus Mons, which is three times higher than Everest.
  • Mars is considered the second most habitable planet after Earth
  • It takes 687 terrestrial days to the planet to orbit the sun
  • Up to now, there have been 39 missions on Mars, but only 16 of them have been successful.

"There are many examples of this phenomenon on Earth and in space."

This is not the first time Scott has made outrageous statements about space snapshots.

In April, he claimed to have found an extra-terrestrial sculpture of a naked woman on a distant asteroid.

In March, Scott even claimed to have found a sculpture of the Greek philosopher Socrates on a mound on Mars.

In other news from space, NASA's Mars mission could be delayed by 25 years, experts warning of radiation, health problems and food shortages.

Japan is ready to exploit the largest moon of March after successfully completing all mandatory documents relating to the contamination of space.

NASA has managed to record the incredible sound of a 'Marsquake' – which you can listen to here.

What do you think of Scott's claims? Let us know in the comments!

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