An evolution of the Mediterranean diet must occur


Ttoday, US News and World Reports has published its official ranking of the best diets and the highest honors have been given to the Mediterranean diet for the fourth consecutive year. The diet, which calls for lean protein, whole grains, seafood, and plenty of vegetables, along with an occasional glass of wine, was rated the best by a panel of 25 nutrition experts, the obesity, diabetes and heart disease. .

Here’s what experts look for when determining the official ranking: how healthy and nutritionally safe the diet is, how effective it is in weight management, the ability to prevent and manage conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, and if it’s easy to follow. With these metrics in place, it’s not hard to see why the Med diet would outperform the more restrictive ones, like the ketogenic diet or the alkaline diet: there isn’t just a plethora of studies supporting the benefits of the drug. Mediterranean diet, but that leaves more on the table than it restricts.

Watch the video below to learn more about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet:

Still, the diet is not without its flaws. As Well + Good reported last year, scientific studies on the Mediterranean diet lack diversity and the plan does not take into account the eating habits of different cultural traditions. We reached out to registered dietitians to see what they thought of the Mediterranean diet while taking again US News and World Reports’ first place and how they hope the diet will continue to evolve in the future.

5 ways the Mediterranean diet should evolve, according to registered dietitians

1. Followers should expand what they consider Mediterranean cuisine

Dietitian Maya Feller, RD, explains that part of the reason she thinks the Mediterranean diet continues to prevail is that it’s based on whole foods and minimally processed – a victory in her book. But even though the diet doesn’t seem very restrictive, there are ways she says it should be expanded even more, starting with the types of cuisine people consider Mediterranean cuisine.

“When people think of the Mediterranean, they tend to think of countries like Italy and France, but the Mediterranean Sea covers Western Europe as well as [Northern] Africa and the Middle East, ”she said. She hopes that the evolution of the Mediterranean diet includes people who go beyond what they thought from Mediterranean cuisine to also include ingredients and dishes from these regions.

2. Using spices in a new way

Another aspect of the Mediterranean diet that Feller says she loves is that it contains spices (which add flavor and additional health benefits), but she thinks it’s something to build on as well. “One of the reasons I think people like Greek salad is because it has spices in it and we don’t tend to think of it as including spices,” she says. “But I can tell you that putting cumin on your lettuce and drizzling it with pumpkin seed oil is delicious.”

Feller hopes people think of ways to use spices in their pantries beyond when they’re cooking chicken or fish. She again encourages people to experience a wide variety of spices beyond what is considered Italian or Greek, expanding to include the Mediterranean region as a whole, and even beyond.

3. Make sure that following the feeding plan is more accessible to BIPOC communities

While public health dietitian Shahzadi Devje, RD, is a follower of the Mediterranean diet, she says it has some shortcomings that need to be addressed to make it more accessible. “You generally hear that the Med diet can be ‘adapted’ to meet specific cultural needs,” she says. “Essentially, we sideline other cultures and prioritize western food styles as the only way to be ‘healthy’. I’m afraid this “plug and play” model is narrow-minded and rather discriminatory. “

This is largely due to the fact that certain foods characteristic of the Med diet are not always familiar or accessible to BIPOC communities (Blacks, Aboriginals and people of color), says Devje. Many of these communities are disproportionately affected by food insecurity or are more likely to live in food deserts, making it more difficult for them to include these ingredients in their diets.

So, Devje says it’s important for the Mediterranean diet (and those who recommend it) to consider accessibility and cultural habits when making dietary recommendations. “I think it’s important to build cultural skills and advocate for food habits that are relevant and meaningful to everyone, not just white audiences,” Devje says, adding that it’s important to note that he doesn’t There is not a universally healthy diet for all bodies. “In order to engage the BIPOC community, healthy diets need to be viewed in the context of culture to ensure that they are relevant, achievable and sustainable. Food is very personal to people; it is an illustration of their culture and identity. We eat not only to nourish our body, but also our life. “

4. Creation of Mediterranean fusion dishes

Feller hopes that the evolution of the Mediterranean diet will expand to include people who put their own stamp on it. “I love fusion food,” she says. “There is a wide variety of cuisines in various parts of the United States. Think about the flavors unique to where you live and how you can incorporate them using the principles of the Mediterranean diet. ”

Feller says the key to adding your own twist while staying true to what the Med Diet really involves is making sure the ways you build it are always herbal, minimally processed, and incorporating. healthy fats. This way you still get the nutrients that make the Med Diet so popular, but you use a wide variety of foods and spices to make it happen.

5. Reframing the regime from its “finish it all, be all” status

As beneficial as the Mediterranean diet is, Devje hopes the way we talk about diet changes in the future. “Promoting health and optimizing nutrition throughout life requires a holistic perspective; one where cultural diversity is accepted and included at all levels: in nutrition research and review, dietary guidelines, healthy eating public policies and the media, ”says Devje. To this end, she hopes that the future will call for the Mediterranean diet to be a healthy lifestyle, no the healthy way of living.

There is no denying the health benefits that make the Mediterranean diet a healthy diet for many to follow. But expanding our vision of what it means to eat the Mediterranean will make it even more of a victory in the future.

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