An extrovert has advantages at work, according to a new study


If you have worked in an office with more than one person, you know that success rarely depends on the difficulty with which you work. Personalities can play a major role in determining who is promoted, congratulated and paid more.

A new analysis adds a little fuel to this particular fire. According to a forthcoming publication in the journal Applied Psychology, directed by Michael P. Wilmot at the University of Toronto in Scarborough, extroverts tend to have four consistent advantages over all others in the workplace.

Extraversion is one of the "big five" personality traits documented by psychologists. For this study, researchers broke down extraversion into two key elements: assertiveness and enthusiasm. They examined 97 scientific articles on extroversion and looked for links between extroversion and professional success.

"Extraversion has effects in a desirable direction for 90% of the variables, which represents a degree of consistency never documented before," the authors write.

Here are the main benefits of extroverts at work, according to the document:

1. They are more motivated by the rewards

Extroverts are more interested in the potential rewards for their performance, such as higher status. In addition, they are more confident in achieving these goals.

2. They remain positive

Extroverts tend to have more positive emotions, which can be beneficial for many reasons, the authors write. For example, these positive feelings protect against negative phenomena such as burnout or work-life imbalance, and facilitate adaptation to new work environments when changing jobs or changing jobs. job.

3. They are good schmoozers

Extroverts are gifted for verbal and nonverbal communication – not to mention their ability to persuade people in situations such as job interviews and negotiations. The authors say that is probably why extroverts are more likely to become leaders.

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4. They work better at work

Extroverts received higher marks on different areas of work performance, according to the study. One of the main reasons is that they are proactive in designing their own career and in formulating organizational change strategies.

Interestingly, the authors also note that once extroverts are recognized, others are more likely to praise them.

Extroverted men earn much more than their introverted peers

This study is consistent with further research on the benefits associated with extroversion. For example, extroverts are more likely to become leaders and lead effectively, according to a study by Professor Timothy Judge of Ohio State University.

Moreover, Miriam Gensowski, assistant professor of economics at the University of Copenhagen, wrote in Harvard Business Review that her research suggests that a man who is extroverted on average will earn $ 600,000 more in his life than a man who lies in the last 20% of extroversion. .

However, some research suggests that different types of personality, such as an "ambivert", or people who can alternate between extraversion and introversion depending on the context, offer career benefits. A 2013 study, published in the journal Psychological Science, found that call center representatives who scored between extrovert and introvert in a personality test reported the most money.

At the same time, the publication of Susan Cain's book "Quiet" in 2012 sparked a wave of interest in the power of introverts to be successful employees, leaders and innovators. In 2015, Cain partnered with LinkedIn to launch the Quiet Ambassadors program, educating people on how different personalities work better and dispelling the myth that introversion is an obstacle to professional success.

It is also important to note that the introverted / extroverted scale represents only 20% of the five traits of the personality. So there is much more to do than a person than the social stimulation she needs or wants. Psychologists also argue that focusing on the traits themselves can be a problematic way of looking at the personality – the person we are at a particular moment depends remarkably on the situation, our goals and our history.

Beware of automatically favoring extroverts at work

If you are here looking for a concrete delivery, you will certainly not have to strive to radically change your personality to flourish at work. A better bet is to let your boss and your colleagues know that you are not the type to dominate a staff meeting or to create a network for you to benefit from a promotion. They might have ideas on other ways to reach your career goals.

And if you are a human resources manager, know that you can reward your reports for classic extroverted behaviors – and try to broaden your understanding of what defines an excellent employee.


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