An in-depth review of 31 studies shows that we were wrong about the effect of sugar on our mood


It is 15h. Lunch was hours ago. The work is piled on the ceiling and you can not. What better way to do better than throw a handful of carbs for a quick rush to sugar?

Only this is not a thing. Data collected from studies conducted with over a thousand adults revealed that not only does sugar not arouse enthusiasm, it makes us more tired and less alert.

German and British researchers have compiled 31 studies on carbohydrate consumption and physiological responses to determine whether simple sugars actually improve our mood and give us a feeling of energy.

The question was difficult to answer. There is a tradition of research that supports the belief that sugar affects the pleasure centers of our brain, which leads us to ask for the taste.

There is also evidence that we generally turn to sugar when we feel depressed, anxious, traumatized and stressed, often at the expense of our long-term mental health.

We humans just love our sweet drinks and snacks. Over the last fifty years, the consumption of sugary drinks has more than doubled in the United States, with the average citizen swallowing nearly three times the recommended daily amount.

Although we understand all the benefits of moderation, the daily routine pushes us to look for a sneaky whistle whenever possible, especially when we need energy.

Add a generous amount of flashy commercials reminding us of how exciting life is when you have a can of cola in your hand, and we can be forgiven for thinking that the solution to our economic crisis of the afternoon is a dose of sugar.

"The idea that sugar can improve mood has greatly influenced popular culture, to the point that consumers around the world are consuming sugary drinks to become more alert or combat fatigue," says psychologist Konstantinos. Mantantzis of the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Many studies describe an immediate improvement in alertness, arousal and lucidity after ingestion of sugar after a period of fasting. But there are also a number of studies that show the opposite.

According to researchers, it's because different methods give us different perspectives.

To get to the bottom of the debate, the team examined the literature and deconstructs the diversity of studies using a systematic approach that takes into account sugar variations, fasting times and dosages.

The 31 usable studies provided data on just under 1,260 adult participants. By examining their details, researchers could come to a conclusion.

"Our results very clearly indicate that such claims are unfounded," said Mantantzis.

"If anything, the sugar will probably make you feel worse."

Not only will you not feel joy by drinking this soft drink, but your body will only be more lethargic and less awake than before. Neurological pleasure triggers simply do not translate into a happier disposition.

Admittedly, the study focused on relatively healthy adults, leaving open the possibility that people with a significant mood disorder will feel different.

For the vast majority of us, however, the idea that we need to replenish our reserves with a sweetspot must be put in the trash.

"We hope that our findings will go a long way toward dispelling the myth of the" sugar rush "and informing public health policies aimed at reducing sugar consumption," said psychologist Elizabeth Maylor of the University of Toronto. Warwick in the United Kingdom.

It's an optimistic hope. Although they know for decades that sugar does not make the vast majority of children hyperactive, parents still worry that too many candies will let beans bounce their offspring on the walls.

No one says that you can not have a cheeky chocolate from time to time. But it is time to lose the excuse that you need it to arrive at 5 pm. That's the last thing you need.

This research was published in Neuroscience and biobehavioral exams.


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