An investor who allegedly bribed his son in USC could lose hundreds of millions


Not only is his child likely to be deported, but a rich father caught in a nationwide corruption scandal risks losing hundreds of millions of dollars for his alleged role, the Post learned.

Ticketing giant Bill McGlashan risks losing more than $ 300 million in GPT investments after being fired Thursday for allegedly paying for a false sports profile to enroll his son in college, the bank said. post.

The layoff, against which McGlashan is already fighting, would shelter him from the numerous investments that he has helped bring to the company's $ 103 billion, including holdings in Airbnb and Uber, which are about to be the subject of a lucrative public offer, sources said.

On Thursday, TPG executives sent McGlashan a "notice of termination".

"We will contact you to inform you of the economic consequences of the termination of your employment," they said, according to e-mails.

McGlashan, 55, quickly rejected it, saying he had resigned before he could be fired, according to emails reviewed by The Post.

"I am puzzled by your attempt to dismiss because, as you acknowledged in your email, you had already resigned," McGlashan said.

Only two days earlier, McGlashan had been charged with paying $ 250,000 for his son to move to the University of Southern California, including giving the impression that his son was a kicker for the team. his high school football.

"Funny enough, the way the world works nowadays is amazing," McGlashan said after learning that his son was going to be Photoshopped and look like a kicker, according to court documents.

If TPG gets its way, McGlashan will be forced to give up its share of profits in TPG funds tied to holdings in companies that the company still holds, said a source.

McGlashan, founder and managing partner of TPG Growth Funds, is expected to earn $ 120 million in Uber alone, said a source.

McGlashan also co-founded The Rise, along with U2 singer Bono, who has raised billions of dollars over the years, promising to make the world a better place.

McGlashen refused to comment. TPG has not returned any calls.


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