An ophthalmologist shares pictures with pictures to warn them not to sleep with contact lenses


SHELBY, N. – An ophthalmologist in North Carolina shared graphic photos on social media to warn them not to sleep with contact lenses.

Vita Eye Clinic in Shelby, NC, explained in a Facebook article that sleeping in contact lenses could cause a psudomonas ulcer, causing "ocular morbidity and its opportunistic characteristics leading quickly to permanent blindness".


The ophthalmologist stated that the photo marked the fourth time that he was treating an ulcer to Psudomonas. The ophthalmologist went on to say that he was discouraging people from sleeping with soft contact lenses of any make.

"It takes a few seconds to delete your contacts, but a potential lifetime of irreversible damage if you choose to let them in," says the message posted on Facebook.

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The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that people who wear contact lenses should stop using them if they have symptoms such as red eyes, pain in and around the eyes, sensitivity to light, sudden blurred vision, abnormally watery eyes or discharge. If the symptoms persist after a few hours or get worse, we invite you to call an ophthalmologist, the CDC said on its website.


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