Ancient Egyptian objects would have been spotted on Nasa's Mars photo


CAIRO – AUGUST 20, 2019: Scott Waring, hunter and UFO specialist, said that images of NASA's red planet confirm the existence of an ancient Egyptian pharaonic coffin on Mars, according to the report. International Business Time.

The general shape of the "body" spotted by NASA is similar to that of pharaonic coffins. There are also many pharaonic inscriptions on the sarcophagus where inscriptions have been identified with the help of advanced cameras.

This is not the first time that an object spotted on Mars seems to belong to the ancient pharaonic civilization. Last year, the image taken by Rovers Corsetti, of NASA, attracted attention after astronomers had declared that it was revealing an ancient Egyptian statue.

scot waring
Scott thinks his "discovery" proves that the ancient Egyptians came from Mars. In the photo, the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamun – thesun

The discovery of these so-called pharaonic monuments on Mars has sparked debates about the nature of the ancient civilizations that flourished on the red planet.

Many archaeologists and astronomers believe that the ancient Egyptians on Earth (Pharaohs) came from Mars, which explains the presence of Egyptian monuments on the red planet.

In addition to the sarcophagus, Warin found what appeared as sculptures of faces and unfinished statues. He firmly believes that the Martians have left behind what he called "extraterrestrial technology".

"He seems to have eyes, nose, chin and a very wide forehead, which could have occupied a more developed brain," Warin said.

However, Waring's claims are not yet supported by scientific evidence. Space scientists and astronomers have found no trace or clue to the existence or existence of life on Mars.


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