Andrew McCabe's lawyers ask the Department of Justice if the grand jury refused to charge him


The GM could sue McCabe

Andrew McCabe's lawyers are demanding to know if a grand jury of the District of Columbia has dismissed the indictment of the former deputy director of the FBI. His lawyers sent a letter Friday morning to officials of the Justice Department after hearing "rumors of journalists" that the grand jury had refused to vote to indict him.

"We do not know independently whether the reports are accurate but, for the purposes of this report, we assume that the grand jury voted for a true non-bill", wrote McCabe's legal team, citing media reports from The Washington Post and the New York Times. that their client may not face federal criminal charges after all. A "false bill" refers to the conclusion of a grand jury that there is no probable cause sufficient to indict a defendant.

On Thursday, a person familiar with the case told CBS News that McCabe had appealed criminal charges recommended by US District Attorney Jessie Liu to Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. The ministry finally rejected the request.

The letter was sent to officials of the Ministry of Justice, including Liu and Ed O. Callaghan, deputy director of the office of the Deputy Attorney General.

The Department of Justice and the District Attorney's Office in the United States declined to comment.

If the grand jury chose not to indict McCabe and instead voted for the "false bill", it would be rare for prosecutors to convince 12 of the 23 jurors to get an indictment or a "false bill". True bill. "Prosecutors have the opportunity to resubmit the case to a grand jury, but this would require Liu's approval. McCabe's attorney, Michael Bromwich, urged the ministry to Justice not to engage in this path.

"We believe that given the length of the investigation and the resources devoted to it, there is not a case in which the permission to resubmit it to a grand jury meets this standard, "wrote Bromwich. "If the grand jury has decided not to approve the charges, it has not found a probable cause." Therefore, it is simply not reasonable to believe that a jury of first instance would find Mr. McCabe guilty of any charge using a much more rigorous and rigorous standard – beyond a reasonable doubt. "

McCabe was printed in March 2018 after a report by the Inspector General of the Justice Department revealed that McCabe had shown a "lack of sincerity" after repeatedly reiterating his involvement in a media disclosure regarding an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation. McCabe is currently prosecute the Department of Justice and the FBI on the circumstances of his dismissal.


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